Podcast: Global Voices Summit Session 4 Part 2

Audio of the Global Voices 2005 Summit is now available in podcast form!! Each audio file is being posted as a separate entry so that everything can be captured by your podcast-reading software.

Click here to listen to Part 2 of Session 4: The future of the Global Conversation (24 MB, 51 mins)

How can Global Voices and potential partners in professional and citizens’ media work to build a more democratic, equitable Global Conversation – a conversation in which all people who want to speak not only have a safe and accessible way to do so, but also a chance of being heard? To what extent are the solutions technical (software, etc.) and to what extent is it a question of human efforts, methods and organization? By popular demand, the second half of this session will focus heavily on translation issues.

Led by Ethan Zuckerman and Rebecca MacKinnon, with input from Ahmed (Saudi Arabia), Haitham Sabbah (Middle East/North Africa Editor), Farid Pouya (Iran), Kevin Wen (China), Jordan Seidel (Polblog), Pat Hall (Blogamundo), and Chris Ahearn (Reuters)

NOTE: There were some microphone problems which made the recording inaudible at a few points. Those parts have been edited out. (Audio courtesy of Benjamen Walker.)

Follow the live-blog of Session 4 here. (Courtesy of Angelo Embuldeniya and SJ Klein. )NOTE: this recording starts in the middle of the transcript, picking up where Part 1 Session 4 left off.

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