From the Jordanian Blogosphere

“Jordan Planet's first North American Meet-up” by Jameed

“November Jordanian Blogger Meet-up” by Roba Al-Assi

As an interesting forty percent of Jordanian bloggers don't reside in Jordan, meet-ups are occurring often all around the world. Jameed reports from the first North American Jordan Planet Conference, “held in Las Vegas, Nevada from November 25th to the 26th.”

Jordanian bloggers in Jordan also held their monthly meet-up for November this week, and  issues that were spread on the table included anonymity, “What's in a Name?” asks Lina Ejeilat; selectivity; and Jordan Planet.

Also, Isam Bayazidi writes, “as Jordan will be hosting the second edition of the World Culture Forum next week, the World Culture Forum Blog was created, with the blessing and support of the MECCAD, and with the sponsorship, maintenance, and support of Jordan Planet.”  Shaden, meanwhile, attended the Online Journalism in the Arab World conference conducted at University of Sharjah, and has a very comprehensive review of the event and it’s outcome.

In regards to home news, Naseem Tarawneh says, “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: this is how I feel about Jordan sometimes when I read the news.” Natasha Tynes reports about an “atrocity” where a man that murdered his sister left prison a free man after only 15 months. Meanwhile, life in post-bombing Amman is formulating- Sabbah reports, “Jordan’s King Abdullah II has urged the Jordanian parliament to quickly approve new anti-terrorism legislation,” and Tololy expresses her frustration at the clumsiness of the much increased security, although she says, “I realize the importance of security and I am for the freshest safety-related measures in Amman.”

Rami Abdel-Rahman has a very interesting and amusing article on feminism in a country like Jordan, “Women activism is very minimal in such a male-oriented society. Feminists are very few and lack financial and media power and more importantly any grass root support, the way I see it.”

With this week's uncharacteristically gorgeous weather for this time of the year, the bloggers have also been taking many walks around the beloved capital, so take a stroll in downtown Amman with Ahmad Humeid, walk around the old alleys of Jabal Amman with Lina Ejeilat, or enjoy Amman's fall with Roba Al-Assi.

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