Ethiopundit reports on the BBC news item stating that the Ethiopian government had released 2,417 who had been detained during last weeks demonstrations. However, Ethiopundit points out that “We only have the word of a murderous dictatorship that these people were released. No one knows how many were arrested to begin with. No one really knows how many were even killed. This is a classic Soviet style maskirovka effort just like the deception operations of an intelligence service……A false layer of pseudo-rational good will is being painted over a bloody massacre and crackdown against innocents. So much we hear from this government is this form of ‘mengist be'ashattir’ (government by trickery).
The Ethiopian Dictator Melese Government announced that over 8,200 detainees were released. Diplomats believe at least same number of people are still in prizen. The above figures refer only those civilians detained in relation to the recent protest against government ruling. It is believed that Melese Zenaw’s government put around half-a-million civilian in jail. Most of these detainees are in undisclosed areas. Recently, the government revealled one of these prisons in Dedessa. The government transported the detainees over 250km to put then in very harsh evironment, at the bank of a huge river- where malaria is very prominent. The others are in Zewai, wello, at the outskirt of Addis Ababa, and others.
In a related issues, the government either jailed or posted on wanted list of free journalists and the entire free press has colapsed.
Also, the Ethiopian government is feared to renew boarder conflict with the Eriterian. Melese Zenawi is close relative of Issayas Afeweri of the Eriteria ruler. Earlier conflict is believed to have killed 70,000 lives.
What a madness! Does the world deserve to see such attrocities!
Please support to condemn such evils on the planet!
my comment is Ethiopian primeminister decission not good about Eritria so forward a good command/decission do!!!!!!
my opinion by that war so many people died and wounded so Ethiopian people by that war winner so that hall trooper are joined in Asmara then Eritria Government waste then the government shared to people the the people elect a good leadership.