26 October 2005

Stories from 26 October 2005

The Week That Was – Bolivian Blogs

  26 October 2005

The buzz continues within the Bolivian blogosphere with the publication of the most recent article in the Bolivian press. The Extra section of El Deber featured the three creators of the website Mundo Al Revés for their work of encouraging other Bolivians to begin blogging through website hosting and other...

Syria: Future of a Rogue Regime

  26 October 2005

Ammar says that in a strict legal sense, the Mehlis Report raised more questions than it answered and ultimately proved nothing. Moreover, the UN is not exactly a court of law. The evidence presented to the Security Council does not need to be conclusive. It simply needs to establish enough...

Syria: Media Bias?

  26 October 2005

Rime Allaf wonders: “It would have never occurred to me that one of the TV channels, namely Al Arabiya, would actually find Hariri's appearance to be more newsworthy than the session at the UN, cutting to live coverage from London! That it happened exactly when the Syrian ambassador, Faisal Meqdad,...

Saudi: University Bulletin

  26 October 2005

Farooha says that bulletin boards in universities are usually put up for academic purposes. Timetables, grades, notices and scholastic contests are all examples of what one would expect to usually find hung up by the ever so concerned faculty. However, in KSU, you would find “Conditions to Wear Hijab” poster.

United Arab Emirates: Milton Keynes @ Dubai

  26 October 2005

Feed Your Head of Dubai Blog says that he is the only one who sees the similarity between Dubai and Milton Keynes. After all, he believes that Dubai for most people is a hotel. Looks shiny and nice on the surface but is ultimately soulless and if you look carefully...

Egypt: The Religious Conflict

  26 October 2005

Ibn Al-Aziz and Alaa made this site http://egyptnow.blogspot.com/ (Arabic) asking Egyptian bloggers to come together for forgiveness and to open healthy conservation to counter any negative effects of last week incidents.

Travels in the Kurdish Blogosphere

  26 October 2005

This week marked the beginning of a trial for Saddam Hussein, not only is this trial an unprecedted event, but the question that lingers is that can he really be tried for all of the atrocities that he is credited for. Another interesting aspect of the trial is that the...

Uganda: LRA militias

  26 October 2005

Jewels in the Jungle introduces us to the “night commuters” the children and adults that parade every night on the rural roads of Northern Uganda to seek shelter from marauding bands of armed militias.

  26 October 2005

Nigerian blogger Trae Days complains that Nigerians have “too much God in their heads” We put too much of God in our thoughts, words and actions when in fact we ain’t that holy.

Nigeria: Whats wrong with Lagos

  26 October 2005

Ante Thoughts – back in Nigeria for a year – is “hanging in there”. On a brief break from teaching in Edo she has some introspects about being in Lagos.

UK: Archbiship of York

  26 October 2005

Black Star Journal reports that racism is not yet dead! The newly installed Archbishop of York (originally from Uganda) Dr John Sentamu revealed he was greeted with racist letters, including some covered in human excrement.

Kenya: Lokichoggio

  26 October 2005

Kenyan banker Bankelele provides us with some financial news from Kenya including the impact of peace in Sudan for the Kenyan town of Lokichoggio which has been the base for humanitarian operations for 20 years.