Iranian state wants, at any price, continues its nuclear program including uranium enrichment. This enrichment can help Iran to get a nuclear bomb in coming years. US and Europe want at any price persuade Iran to stop its enrichment program. Iran & Iranian can face sanctions and many Iranian fear a US-Iraq war. Several Iranian bloggers express their ideas about this hot issue.
In Webnevesht, former reformist vice president writes in his English blog that Mr.Ahmadinejad failed to convince other nations about Iranian nuclear program in his trip to UN . According to this reformist politician and blogger:
“It is possible not to enter the playfield of the diplomacy and the global relations or to set new rules to a new field and to play with only those present in that field but it is impossible to enter the global playfield and set new rules for it. He says The only successful and proud diplomacy, is the one to the benefit of the nation and not the boastful and proud words that could work against the nation and the country”.
Behnoud (link in Farsi), an Iranian journalist from London, writes in his Farsi blog for several years some Islamic leaders continued Iran-Iraq war in 1980’s by creating national or religious emotion among people. Same leaders are in power and want to use same methods to mobilize people for this nuclear crisis. He says now we live in a new different world and old methods don’t work.
Islamic Republic repeats that it continues its program in the name of nationalism and Iranian nation. Abdi (link in Farsi), reformist politician and former hostage taker in US embassy in 1979, says if it is a national question why no one has right to express his/her ideas except Iranian State.
Probably many say with Mr.Behi, who lived in country during Iran-Iraq war,
“I don’t want to see Iran under sanctions again. This government first cares about its ideology then its people…It is enough”
We can find bloggers such as hajhamid (link in Farsi), a pro Hezbollah blogger, who back Islamic Republic's policy about nuclear question in his Farsi blog. They repeat in their blogs official version of story.
1 comment
Living in a sanctions country seems to be no freedom in real…