Stories from 21 September 2005
It's Out! Handbook for Bloggers & Cyber-Dissidents
Reporters Without Borders has given Global Voices a sneak peak at the Handbook For Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents before its official Thursday release. Click here to download the full booklet. Thanks...
Jordan: Popcorn Mania
A recent attempt to break yet another Guinness World Record. Ameen Malhas posts some photos of the event sponsored by Fastlink while trying to fill a box with 36 cubic...
Bahrain: Reading Newspaper
Amira tells you one more reason why you should not read newspaper over breakfast!
Georgia's Traffic Patrol
It's been one year since Georgia fired its entire notoriously corrupt traffic police force and started over with new cars, higher pay, flashy uniforms, and a television show reminiscent of...
Hungarian Political Fashion Report has filed two Hungarian political fashion reports. The first is on fashion crimes in parliament and the second reports that the socialist dancing campaign has begun.
Should the US Pay Its Debt?
Should the United States hold payments in escrow for the use of its soon-to-be-vacated airbase in Uzbekistan? It's a controversial question at
Uzbek Nation Building
Ben Paarmann posts about Uzbek nation-building in pictures.
Taking His Case to the People
foreign notes says that Yushchenko is getting bad political advice and needs to take his case to the people.
Wal-Mart Finds A Way In reports that Wal-Mart has found its way into Hungary.
Afghan Warrior on the Elections
Afghan Warrior comments on his country's parliamentary election.
North Korea: Business as usual
NKZone wraps up the aftermath of Monday's North Korean nuclear agreement, saying Pyongyang has already reneged on the Beijing statement.
Welcome to the Kurdish Blogosphere-Revisited
Welcome to our second installment of the introduction to the Kurdish Blogosphere; where we will discuss the various types of blogs. Cultural Kurdish culture isn't easy to define as it...
Japan: Innovative photographer links to the innovative and striking work of Japanese architect and photographic artist Kazuhiko Kawahara.
China, Japan: Hitler comparisons
Danwei translates a recent article by a Chinese political commentator using a comparisons with Hitler, in what Chinese analysts are increasingly viewing as a “remilitarization” of Japan in the wake...
China: Yahoo debate continues
The debate over Yahoo!'s actions in China rumbles on in the blogosphere, with China Herald examining whether the company had a way out of the situation it found itself in...
China: Taishi protests
China Digital Times has a photo, courtesy of, of angry residents of Taishi village in the southern province of Guangdong, protesting official intransigence in the face of corruption allegations.
Hong Kong: American whispers
EastSouthWestNorth translates excerpts from a gossip column in the popular weekly magazine Next about some howlers spotted on a U.S. State Department-affiliated Web site purporting to give information about Hong...
Cambodio: New King online
ThaRum reports that Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni has followed his father's example and set up his own Web site.
Zimbabwe: Simmering resentments
Zimpundit warns the Zimbabwean government that it faces “impending rage” from its people, and highlights rumors that President Robert Mugabe is preparing the ground to stay on past his promised...
Sudan: Darfur pledge mp3
Via The Passion of the Present, a public service announcement mp3 advertising the “Darfur Pledge” campaign from The Ethic, namely to contact the White House weekly about the mass killings,...
South Africa: A Tale of Two Cities
Dialogue-South Africa posts a speech drawing parallels between the struggle against apartheid and the situation in Israel/Palestine, saying that “we South Africans have a unique perspective on this issue.”