30 August 2005

Stories from 30 August 2005

Blogs of the World, Aggregate!

  30 August 2005

Boris Anthony, our good friend and Global Voices’ beloved graphic designer/toolsmith, recently offered this observation: “….In the last 6 months, I have not worked on a single ‘weblog': it's all been various types of aggregators.” As blogging becomes mainstream around the world and journalists, corporations, politicians and non-governmental organizations join...

Cote d'Ivoire: Mr Ziglibithy

  30 August 2005

Benn loxo has a guest blog about a guitarist from the Cote d'Ivoire who brought a traditional musical form called ziglibithy into a musical world dominated by post-independence francophone pop stars.

Iranian bloggers celebrate their fourth Birthday

  30 August 2005

I would like to share with you some important issues about our blogging history. Of course it is a personal way to look to Iranian blogistory: 1- Genesis: On 7 September 2001 Salman become first blogger in Farsi. A few days later Derakhshan wrote simple instructions on “How to make...

Oman: Salalah Festival

WickeD of ‘Paradise in Me’ blog from Oman, writes a review on the annual Salalah Festival. She says that it needs more than the annually repeated concerts, poetry readings, painting and crafts exhibitions.