Ritzy is reporting that there are 2-3 million egyptians living in Iraq right now, the majority of which did not report to the embassey since the occupation. She is wondering how many of those have joined the “insurgency” or are training there to inflict their own kind of “insurgency”?
1 comment
Thank you for noting my brief of what was said in the current issue of Al-Ahram Weekly. However, the quote you provided were from a blogger that was refering to my blog entry. For your information, here is what was said and where:
The question I posed —> What better life did they find with Saddam, and why?
The other blogger’s comment —->She is wondering the same thing that I am: how many of those have joined the “insurgency” or are training there to inflict their own kind of “insurgency” against the Infidel-US-agent current Egyptian government?
My comment to his entry —> It is a very brief article but from what I understand most of the Egyptians are there since before the war, married and settled. Which makes me wonder why on earth did they want to go there to live under Saddam?
The URL to my initial blog entry: