23 August 2005

Stories from 23 August 2005

My First PC, But For Real

  23 August 2005

A well organized group of proactive bloggers and computer enthusiasts have taken the Chilean government to task over it's newly announced program, “My First PC,” which was launched by the Lagos administration on August 2nd as a way to help narrow the digital divide in Chile. Wanted or not, president...

Kenya: Quotations from women

  23 August 2005

“As a woman, I have no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.” For the author of these lines, and for other quotations from influential female writers, see Mshairi.

Jordan: Jordan TV Problems

Ibrahim Owais thinks that if start talking about problems that needs to be solved in Jordan TVhe will need to write a book for that. So he decides to talk about his area of expertise only, the media graphics.

Iran: Israel Peace Appeal

The Brooding Persian is puzzled by the curious silence which shrouds the Israeli President – Mr. Katsav's recent personal peace appeal to Iran, although relations between Iran and Israel have ancient roots.

Africa: Repayments, or reparation?

  23 August 2005

Black Looks gives prominence to the view that the combined debt of African countries is a drop in the ocean compared with the profits made by rich countries from slavery, for which reparation has never been made.

Sudan: A different sort of rescue

  23 August 2005

Aid worker Sleepless in Sudan, better known for her concern for the displaced humans of Darfur, tells the story of three young feline refugees and cultural differences in attitudes to animals.

Mongol: New blog

  23 August 2005

Nabetz (New Mongols) updates that Mongolian Matters (Mens in Mongolië), a new Mongolia blog is up and running in English, Mongolian, and, potentially at least, in Dutch. It covers “life in the land of the blue heaven”. Meanwhile, Mongol Messenger, the website for Mongolia's first English newspaper, is back online.