17 August 2005

Stories from 17 August 2005

Tunisia: News Roundup

Traveling around Tunisia on train? MMM of Subzero Blue blog report that Tunisian national railway company is now providing Internet access on board its long distance trains. On the other hand, AquaCool is happy to see Mahmoud Darwish in Tunisia who participated in the Carthage Festival.

United Arab Emirates: UAE Roundup

IKE of Blogging from the UAE blog is happy that Friendster is back in the UAE after being blocked. While ‘Dubai's Drama Queen’ reports Dubai plans to build the world's first “rotating city” in DubaiLand. LOKI from Dubai To The Americas blog asks, where does cigarettes smoking addiction start… at...

Indonesia: 6oth National day

  17 August 2005

Indonesia celebrates its 60th National day today. Agam, a Thailand-based blogger who hails from the little town of Tapaktuan in Indonesia, wishes all the best to Indonesians in building a truly democratic nation, and to the people of Aceh, who have suffered in the decades-long conflict and the recent tsunami...

Vietnam: See you all on the flip side

  17 August 2005

‘See you all on the flip side’. That's the parting shot from Vietnamese blogger, Toi La Nguoi. She (?) was forced to remove her blog in July because… “someone within my extended family has been relaying things he's read, in a very distorted fashion, to other members of my family....

Philippines: A ‘Failed State'?

  17 August 2005

Is the Philippines a ‘failed state'? Journalist-blogger Manuel L. Quezon III stares into the country's No. 56 position in the Failed State Index, pointing to determining criteria defined by…. right, the CIA. He also points to elaborations by the Global Policy Forum and John Robb a.k.a. Global Guerrillas.

Singapore: Flickr & graphic novels

  17 August 2005

Daryl Sng, who newly gave in to Flickr, is a Singaporean blogger and a full-blown fan of Boston Red Sox who recollects fond memories of America in his e-space. Working in the Ministry of Law, he amazingly still finds time poring into graphic novels. He thinks Ethel & Ernest is...

Taiwan: A motorbiker's journal

  17 August 2005

SChee is regarded as a pioneer blogger in Taiwan. He once traversed the Australian continent on a motorbike, hence calling his blog a motorbikers’ journal. A new media adventurer at heart, he started blogging in 2002, and brought in moblogs in 2003, where many of his pictures were picked up...

Four years on, Eritreans remember Wia

  17 August 2005

Amanuel “Emma” Isak, one of thousands of Asmara University students sent to compulsory summer labor camp by Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki’s government four years ago, remembers those who died in the desert.