Gaza disengagement first reaction

A day since the disengagement from Gaza started, this is some of what is going on the Israeli/Palestinian Blogsphere:

On the Israeli side:

Smooth Stone writes a A message to the world and says:

Well, sadly, the evil deed is done. The Jewish men, women and children of Gush Katif have been deported from their homes. Their fate is sealed. And, mind you, so is everyone else's. This is a message to the Arabs, to Arab government leaders, and to Arab supporters and their apologists who are orgiastic that Jews have been deported from their homes. No nation, other than the ancient nation of Israel and later again with the rebirth of the nation of Israel, has ever ruled as a sovereign national entity on what you claim to be “Palestinian” land. Jews are indigenous to this land that your greed and terror has gained you. Arabs are not indigenous to the land. Palestinian Arabs are not indigenous to Palestine. They are leftover Arabs, residual of another age…

Chayyei Sarah posts this photo under the title No Words Required and writes:

No Words Required This picture, which I downloaded from Reuters via, will stay in my mind for a long time. It is a photo of a resident of Nissanit and two Israeli soldiers weeping as the community's synagogue is dismantled. May Hashem cause our strength as a nation to grow in proportion to the pain we feel at this moment.

Mystical Politics post titled The Other Uprooting is quoting Danny Rubinstein of Haaretz, writes:

While many Jews today are mourning the evacuation from Gaza, we should remember that during the course of the bloody conflicts of recent years, approximately 30,000 inhabitants of the Gaza Strip have been uprooted from their homes. Entire Palestinian neighborhoods along the Philadelphi route in Rafah, at the edges of the Khan Yunis refugee camp, along the route to Netzarim and in the north on the edges of Beit Hanun have been turned into heaps of ruins by the Israel Defense Forces. The reason was an Israeli security need.

On the Palestinian side:

umkhalil says War Criminal Gaza Colonists Compensated/Palestinians Ignored:

the illegal colonists will receive from 150,000- 400,000 in compensation from the Israeli government. Unfortunately, the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine don't receive any where near the amount of coverage, of, for example, fifty-nine year old Anita Tucker, the Brooklyn, New York native, and darling of the BBC's Hard Talk, also oft quoted in the prolific and sympathetic news stories about the war criminals. If only the fate of the indigenous people were portrayed on CNN and BBC, perhaps US taxpayers wouldn't be so quick to subsidize Israel's ongoing war crimes to the tune of three billion dollars annually.

While Laila (of A Mother from Gaza blog) publish this photo with title Leave my land:
Leave my land
“A young boy from the Siyafa village looks towards the soon-to-be evacuated settlement of Dugit”

She also writes under the title Disen-what-ment?:

I don't know how many times I've said that word today. What does that mean anyway…and have you ever though of how many sentenes you can use some derivative of it in…we no longer want to engage with you…you are not engaging enough for our….sorry, but the line is engaged with protester's calls at the moment…and I got engaged to all this madness while covering disengagement. I feel like my speech has a become a series of edited and re-edited sentences with all the same buzzwords.


Under the title Disengagement Riddled with Uncertainty Rafah Note says:

Jedallah Al Haut explains how he bought the machinery from the clothing factory where he used to work in the Gush Katif settlement. He plans to establish his own business in Gaza once the Israeli withdrawal is completed.


  • The land belongs to nobody. No man can claim exclusive right to any land.

  • […] Here are a few additions to Haitham’s excellent round-up of reactions to the disengagement: […]

  • Michael Bouck

    It dose not make sense to remove Jewish settlers Gaza strip. This has been home to some families for generations. I don’t see the logic in this move. If Jews are going to be striped of there homes and communities in Gaza then maybe we should not be hypocrites and begin to remove Israeli Arabs from greater Israel.

  • […] Gaza disengagement? Yes. But you know what? The removal of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip has opened the way for this new terror tactic being deployed against the Palestinians: The military had to apologize for disturbing the sleep of Israeli citizens. The sound had not been intended for their ears. It had somehow escaped from a series of confined sonic booms being inflicted on Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip hundreds of kilometers away. So if they thought the bang was loud in Tel Aviv, you can imagine the sound in Gaza, where shockwaves have also cracked walls and smashed thousands of windows. […]

  • Dan smith

    The Jews who have right to live in Palestine are only the palestinian jews. Judiasm is a religion and not a nationality. by saying that all jews in the world like Russians, Europeans and Americans have the right to live in palestine is just the same as saying all muslims in the world like pakistani, indonesian or chinese have the right to live in palestine. This argument is false and as far as the Jews continue to believe in that myth, there will never be peace. We need to learn how to live together and share this piece of land. Israel has to give up the colonial mentality and the sooner it starts to respect basic human rights the sooner people can live in peace. There is no alternative than living together side by side. for more than 30 years Israel denied palestinians from their basic human rights. They used them as cheap labor and denied them basic workers rights such as retirnemnts or medical health. At the same time continue to confiscate their land and build settlements on them… all under the execuse of Jews no matter what their nationality is have the right to steal palestinians land ….

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