Stories from 15 August 2005
Kabul residents struggle for daily water
Afghan blogger Sohrab Kabuli has a photo of people, including children, in a poor district of the capital city, struggling with buckets on carrying poles (the luckier ones have donkeys)...
E-mails about peacekeepers in Darfur
Aid worker Sleepless in Sudan shares some e-mails she has received from researchers and other aid-workers in the troubled region of Darfur, as African Union peacekeepers begin their mission.
Bringing out the dead in Harare
Flame Lily writes on the Sokwanele Civic Action Support Group blog how she saw Zimbabwean police drag a body out of a ditch where those made homeless by the government's...
Grassroots movement seeks to change the politics of Poland
Pol-Blog gets behind a grass-roots, citizen-based political initiative aimed at communicating directly with EU institutions, and being run by the European Citizen Action Service.
Grenada: Carnival Review
Richard says this year's Grenada Carnival was a slight disappointment compared to last year's.
Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago Jazz Festival
Small Island Girl has two long posts summarizing the Tobago Jazz Festival.
African Bullets and Honey on the trials of Kenyan athletes
MMK, over at African Bullets and Honey, decries the attitude of the Kenyan government to its athletes in the wake of the World Championships in Helsinki.
Colombia: Why mycoherbicides are still a stupid idea
Plan Colombia and Beyond makes its case against the spraying of spores and fungi over Colombia’s coca-growing zones. With links to data about health and environmental impacts.
Azerbaijan: Rumors of plots at election time
Marianna Idrisova Gurtovnik, in her blog dedicated to the Azerbaijan elections, details allegations of a coup conspiracy leveled against opposition supporters.
Peru: President Toledo's Low Approval Ratings
Boz has the story on Peruvian president, Alejandro Toledo's fall from grace.
Argentina: Buenos Aires Photoblog
Robert Wright from line of sight, with the help of Marcelo Metayer, has added a photoblog of Buenos Aires to complement his excellent, CC-licensed online walking tour of the city.
Argentina: 20th Century Intellectual Journals
Jeff Barry gives a brief history of early 20th century intellectual magazines from Buenos Aires.
Nepal: Internet and Mass Media
Nepal: Internet and Mass Media
Pakistan: Independence Day
Pakistan: Independence Day
Iran: Censorship of Blog Host
Hoder reports that Iran's Telecom company has ordered all ISPs to filter
Bangladesh: Discrimination
Bangladesh: Discrimination
India: Ban on Hand Pulled Rickshaws
India: Ban on Hand Pulled Rickshaws
India: Independence Day
India: Independence Day
Sri Lanka: Post-Tsunami Corruption
Sri Lanka: Post-Tsunami Corruption
Sri Lanka: Blogs react to the assasination
Sri Lanka: Blogs react to the assasination
A track less travelled for bloggers?
Perhaps, bloggers should outreach to the communities of practice to give blogs a relevant context in a knowledge-based economy. There are critical thinkers who should be networked together to influence change in society and economy.