1. The Yahoo-Alibaba Deal: The largest merger in Chinese Internet took place on August 11. Alibaba.com, a leading Chinese e-commerce company, which featured online auction and trade, acquired Yahoo China. According to the official announcement, Alibaba would have all assets of Yahoo China, including email and searching services. It also obtained one billion US dollars of investment from Yahoo.
2. Suicide Bomber: A suicide bomb exploded on a bus in FuZhou, capital of FuJian Province, Southeast China on August 8, killing 2 people including the bomber and injuring more than 30 people. After less than half an hour, the news has already appeared on some BBS. Many bloggers, especially those who live in the city rushed to blog about the explosion. ESWN has some photos of the scene.
3. Typhoon: Typhoon Matsa hit coastal area of Eastern China, including major cities like Shanghai and Beijing. According to WangJianshuo, faced with the threat of typhoon, people have different opinion in Shanghai. ZhangRui posted some nice photos of typhoon's arriving and XinHaiguang, a journalist, has a detailed roundup in what newspaper in Beijing reacted to typhoon.
4. 6 million Chinese blogger: International Herald Tribute reported that number of Chinese Bloggers grow up to 6 million, from 5 million only 3 weeks ago, which Blogherald has counted. But Fons Tuinstra pointed out that the figure may be not very reliable.
5. Hacker Attack on BSP: From August 9 to 11th, unknown hacker attacked Donews.com and Blogbus.com separately, both of which are leading in Blog Hosting. It was still not very clear that the two websites were hacked by the same person or group but the technique used was the same called DDOS. Hengge, The CEO of Blogbus, told on his blog that their service has been suspended for about 5 hours but no user's data was lost.
6. Chinese Valentine's Day: August 11 was also the “Chinese Valentine's Day” according to traditional Chinese calendar. But young people didn't seemed to be enthusiastic toward it. Keepwalking gave some inspiring tips on how to promote the holiday.
7. Rave party on Greatwall: An annual rave party held in the Greatwall, has been criticized by netizens and became a controversy. They accused the party organizers and participants pay no attention to environment and such activities are not respectful to historical heritage. Heterotopias defended that critics didn't understand the nature of rave culture.
You are so careful.
A Case for a Lawyer
This could be another case for a lawyer to get involved – after all, you never know.