Stories from 8 August 2005
Bolivia: The Left Begins to Unite
Jim Schultz writes on Blog from Bolivia that the political left is beginning to unite after an unorganized start to this year's election. Dan Moriarty, meanwhile, offers his take on...
The BBC sponsors African blogs
The BBC has a long tradition of encouraging readers and listeners of their Africa service to talk about their views of the continent, running features like “Why I Love Africa”,...
Bolivia: Santa Cruz Impressions
Miriam offers her impressions of the Santa Cruz region of Bolivia where she was forced to travel by bus because of labor strikes by train workers.
Bolivia: Bolivian Independence Day
Both MABB and Barrio Flores wish Bolivia, which turned 180 on Saturday, a very happy birthday.
Colombia: Profile of Cali
John Guzman of Logtar's Blog writes about his hometown of Cali, Colombia.
Zimbabwe: Life on Harare's streets
The Zimbabwean Pundit looks at the inflation that's hit the streets of Harare.
Ukraine: Teachers’ Salaries
Neeka's Backlog looks at the wages paid to college professors and school teachers. The headline on the news article she links to? “Professors are to be given a salary that...
Sudan: Attack of the mutating acronyms
Humanitarian hijinks on the ever-evolving, acronym-laden patois of the refugee camps in Darfur.
Russia: Moscow, where the sacred is profaned
Scraps of Moscow is shocked and amused to see the symbols of Victory Day used to beautify a row of portajohns.
Philippines: The Philippines According to Blogs turns 1.
Ambot ah! celebrates the fact that turns one today.
Uganda: Victor Julie Mukassa Update
Black Looks has an update on lesbian activist Victor Julie Mukassa, who has been in hiding for the past several weeks.
Singapore: Singlish!
From a Singapore Anglehas some thoughts on Singlish, Singapore's homegrown patois.
Malaysia: Let's say… we take China out of Chindia?
Jeff Ooi wonders what Malaysia can do to stay competitive with the emergence and growth of China.
Malaysia: Rafidah in Hong Kong?
Brand New Malaysian passed on a rumor that Malaysian Minister for International Trade Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz was secretly in Hong Kong, rather than in Perth, as had been reported.
Ethiopia: In the back of a ‘blue donkey’ line-cab – My favourite place in Ethiopia #3
Andrew Heavens writes about the bustling public transportation system in Addis Ababa.
China: Shanghai Typhoon
Marc van der Chijs reports from Shanghai that Typhoon Matsa flooded the subways.
Venezuela: Political Apathy
Bloggings by Boz has a brief roundup on politics in Venezuela.
China: Baidu Fudging their
China Herald points to speculation that Chinese internet search engine Baidu has been inflating its marketshare numbers.
Buenos Aires, City of Faded Elegance recommends checking out FUERZABRUTA if you're in the Buenos Aires area.
Cambodia: Blogging in Khmer Language
Given the rapid progress made in developing Khmer software packages, ThaRum's Web believes that it won't be long before we start seeing blogs written in Khmer.
Korea: Can Korean Food Take-off Among Non-Korean Diners?
The Asia Pages wonders if Korean food can find a non-Korean audience?