Stories from 26 July 2005
Juanson World: Justice or Impunity?
Christian of Juanson World gives a survey of criticism and support for the recently-passed Justice and Peace Law in Colombia.
El Salvador: Why I oppose CAFTA
Tim's El Salvador Blog gives a thorough explanation of why he opposes the Central American Free Trade Agreement.
Cuba: Hamburgers
A contributor to A Hamburger Today visited Cuba to get the low down on the Socialist Island's hamburger scene. Though he encountered “the kindest people I've ever met,” the taste...
U.S. Virgin Islands: Gas Shortage
Frank Barnako writes on News of St. John that the island may very soon be down to only one operating gas station.
Flickr Pick from Trinidad and Tobago
From the excellent photoblog, Caribbean Free Photo, comes this portrait, entitled “Steel and Brass.” 22-year old trumpeter Etienne Charles, photographed at the Phase II Pan Groove panyard, home base of...
Bolivia: Samuel Doria Medina
Barrio Flores profiles Bolivian presidential candidate and Burger King magnate, Samuel Doria Medina, who describes his political platform as hot sauce, not ketchup.
Colombia, Bolivia: Coca buybacks
Plan Colombia and Beyond writes about a new Colombian initiative to buy back illegal coca harvests in Colombia. The post notes that a similar program in Bolivia a few years...
Argentina: Medical Tourism and Who Benefits
Expat Argentina has a post in English on “medical tourism” in Argentina while Jorge Gobbi of Blog de Viajes says in Spanish that more studies need to be done to...
Argentina: Text Messaging
The metablog,, reports that 80% of cell phone users in Argentina use text messaging [es]. It often seems like the U.S. is about the only country that doesn't.
Argentina: First Impressions, Buenos Aires
Marisa, from Leander, Texas, writes a spanish and english version of her arrival to Buenos Aires and then this post of her first impressions of the city when she stumbled...
Singapore: SG Entrepreneurs
A new blog devoted to entrepreneurship has been launched in Singapore. It's actually kinda interesting, since the Singaporean economic model has not been particularly entrepreneurship-heavy, unlike, say the Hong Kong...
Russia: Spammer Murdered reports that Russia's most notorious spammer was found beaten to death in his apartment over the weekend. It's unknown if his brutal murder was connected to his spamming activities.
Philippines: State of the Nation Address
The Sassy Lawyer casts her critical eye on President Gloria Arroyo's State of the Nation Address.
Kenya: It was inevitable
After a fan was killed during a previous World Cup qualifying match, Kenya has been ordered to play its next match in an empty stadium, notes Bankelele.
Sweden & Denmark: Swedes take time to learn Danish
Fjordman on some of the differences between the various Scandinavian languages.
Malaysia: Proton board ousts Mahaleel: What the news (really) says and what it (really) means to consumers
Brand New Malaysian has an analyssi of the latest executive shakeup at Proton, Malaysia's national car manufacturer.
Italy: Italians targeted in Egypt?
Italian blogger Luca De Biase reports that the Italian media is saying that the targets of the bombings in Egypt were Italians.
Iran: Ganji's Wife Says Hopsital Worse Than Prison
The wife of imprisioned Iranian journlaist Akbar Ganji has said that her husband's situation is worse in the hospital than it is in prison. Gangji has been on a hunger...
England: More on the death of Jean Charles de Menezes
Lenin's Tomb tries to make sense of the shooting death of Jean Charles de Menezes, the young Brazillian man who was killed by British Police in the subway.
China: Security Guards Attack Street Peddlers
China Digital Timespoints to these shocking images of security guards assaulting street peddlers. The site's in Chinese, but the headline reads “Nanning TV night crew took video of an incident...
United Kingdom: Muslims, Terrorism and Conspiracy Theories
Iraqi Expat, who's based in London, on the fear of terrorists that affects overseas Muslims.