Stories from 12 July 2005
Chilean Presidential Candidates
Elecciones Presidenciales 2005 compares the platforms of Chilean candidates Joaquín Lavín and Michelle Bachelet [es]
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf says he was expecting to read in detail about the historical events that happen in Sudan now but he did not find any posts about that.
This is Zimbabwe
This is Zimbabwe reports that the African Union's human rights emissary to Zimbabwe has left the country under police escort. One wonders what the official AU response will be.
Neeka's Backlog
Neeka's Backlog is passing on the news that Ukraine's Interior Ministry has dispached troops to a region of the Crimea where a group of Tatars have seized land that was...
The South African Blog Commentary notes that the ANC is having some cash-flow issues, and does not look approvingly upon the ANC's proposed solution.
Arroyo’s approval and trust ratings drop anew
Inside PCIJ is reporting the perhaps predictable news that Philippine President Gloria Arroyo's approval ratings are plummeting. What's interesting is that the approval ratings of her family are even worse.
Banzeen » British Embassy Vigil Pics
The Jordanian blog Banzeen has posted a set of moving pictures of the candlelight vigil outside the British Embassy in Amman.
Hurricane Dennis vs. London Bombing –
Taran Rampersad compares the Caribbean big media and blogosphere's coverage of Hurricane Dennis and the London Bombing.
Brush Up Your Shakespeare
Brush up your Shakespeare: Brooding Persian offers his condolences to Londonders by quoting King Lear: “Wipe thine eyes; The good years shall devour them, flesh and fell, Ere they make...
A Daily Briefing on Iran
Regime Change Iran has been informed that there is a massive demostration in Tehran going in support of imprisoned dissident Akbar Ganji, who is on a 31-day hunger strike.
Macam-Macam reports that the Australian government has granted Chinese defector Chen Yong Lin permament protection visas. Note that the author highlights the Chinese reaction at the bottom of his post.
Flickr Pick from Beijing
“Beijing Transport” by Petri
More Bomb Posts … In Trinidad and Tobago
While the international big press keeps its gaze set on any new developments coming out of London regarding 7/7, the Caribbean blogosphere has done an excellent job covering yesterday's explosion...
Good Days & Bad Times
The Indian blog Good Days & Bad Times reports on the return of the arranged marraige… and the kids who want it that way. Found via Desipundit.
Danwei on Zheng He
Danwei reports that the Chinese media has been buzzing about Zheng He, the great 15th-century adventurer. For context, here's his Wikipedia article.
Simon World's Roundup
It's probably been far too long since we've mentioned Simon World's excellent daily roundups of Hong Kong, China, and other East Asia blogs…
ThaRum's web: Local Content for Local People
ThaRum's Web on the exploding popularity of internet cafes in Phnom Penh.
Podcast: Chinese bloggers interview each other
Chinese blogger Haxi (left) has interviewed the Hangzhou-based blogger, Leylop (right), one of the early Chinese bloggers to blog in English. Here is Leylop's account of the intervew. You can...
The SUMATE summary
Venezuela News and Views gives a detailed summary of the Venezuelan opposition group SUMATE and the current government trial it faces.
Explosion in Antélias: Minister Elias Murr Targeted
The Lebanese Political Journal has a near-first-hand-account of an attempted assination attempt: outgoing Defense Minister Elias Murr was the target of a bomb attack. Fortunately, Murr escaped with minor injuries.
Visiting Kurdistan
Omar from Iraq the Model spent the past few weekstravelling in northern Iraq; he was particularly impressed by the city of Sulaymaniya.