If you've visited Global Voices before, you'll notice we've changed our look. Hope you like it.
Thanks to Boris Anthony of HelpPush.org for his painstaking work!!
As we fit into our new skin over the next hours and days, you will most likely see a few more adjustments here and there.
As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.
Very nice!
What a surprise to get back from some travel and see the new look! I like what I’ve seen so far!
The redesign looks muy tropical, like a very refreshing Cuban or Thai vegetable dip.
Question: Where are the Gypsy bloggers? Spain, Romania, Ireland? Any gitanos, zigeuner, Romany about?
Wonderful look! Congratulations :D
Great question, Curt. Can you help us find some? We’d love to include the Romany population, but haven’t had much luck finding bloggers so far.
It looks really good. Good work!
I like the look-feel a lot! The colours feel youthful and optimistic. And the separation of features from global roundups is neat.
Two things I was wondering about – am i missing them – i dont see trackbacks and on the side panel links by category.
I’m happy you all seem to like it! yay! :)
Dina: I’m a little new to the blog software we are using so I’m not sure how the trackbacks work here. I will get on that immediately. Some sort of category listing is forthcoming. I had to focus on driving traffic to the Region/Country “categories” first. :)
Great new look Rebecca! Keep up the good work!