Beirut Spring has posted a banner condemning terrorism in both English and Arabic.
Saudi Jeans has been looking on the Arabic blogs for commentary on the London bombings but has not yet found any; if you see any, make sure to pass it on to him.
Chan’ad Bahraini simply asks “May the murdered souls rest in peace.”
About Lebanon asks us to “take a moment out of our busy days to think about the victims and pray for peace.”
Mr.Behi has a long, heartfelt post about the bombings; he also links to an influential Persian blog out of London that has first-hand reports.
Iranian Prospect is pessimistic about the western response to these bombings.
The Iraqi blog Ibn Alrafidain flatly condemns the violence, though he adds that “I can imagine the disturbance, chaos & fear caused by the incident since we live this situation here in Iraq daily.”
Iraqi Expat, who lives in London, is beside himself with anger and rage: “What happened to London today was an outrageous evil act by shameless criminals who, sadly, call themselves Muslims. Today, my family and I are ashamed of being Muslims.
Who can say : “I am ashamed of being Muslim ??????”
Terrorism is a human act that has nothing to do with any religions. No religion
was sent with a terror message!
Terrorists are less than a minority compared to the whole Muslim world. But
it is a minority that lives in exile in the West where they got acces to
freedom of speach and freedom of association trought which they are trying to
get in power.
Give us, we Arab democrats the same rights in our counries, and terrorists will
naturally disappear. Islamic Terrorism is linked to Moslem dictatorships.
If some group within my religion was murdering innocents and terrorizing cities and countries I would stand up and scream that they are infidel and not of my religion. I would share my knowledge and provide every form of assistance to the police to track these heathen down. I would be doubly enraged because of what they have done to my fellow man and the ugly stain they have placed on my religion.
If others in my religion remained silent, did not issue fatwahs against the terrorists, didn’t point out the radical Mullahs known to recruit in the suburbs of Newark, Londonstan, Bergan, Copenhagan, Hamburg, Paris, etc…………Then, I WOULD BE ASHAMED OF MY RELIGION.
Well,if terrorism has nothing to do with religion, why don’t we see Christians blowing up trains and cutting heads? So misguided. It’s ALL about religion. Read their “good book.”
Neila Charchour Hachicha:
But the terrorists claim they are doing this in the name of Allah and on
behalf of all Muslims. If Islam is as peaceful as Muslims keep claiming
then Islam has been hijacked by extremists and terrorists and it is long
past time for Muslims to take back their religion. As long as Muslims
remain inactive and silent the non-Muslim world can do nothing but
interpret your silence as acceptance if not support.
You say “Give us, we Arab democrats the same rights …” But we can GIVE
that to you and your leaders won’t. It is up to you to TAKE those powers.
There is a great risk in rising up; you might die. But if you really
believe in freedom the price is worth the risk.
Learn from the most important revolution in human history, the American
Revolution. Our revolution didn’t just throw off a tyrany, it’s real
contribution is far more important; it changed the relationship between
government and the governed. As the Declaration of Independence says
“…we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our
sacred honor.”
Stand up, take back your religion and your country.
“Give us, we Arab democrats the same rights in our counries, and terrorists will
naturally disappear. Islamic Terrorism is linked to Moslem dictatorships.”
Gimme,gimme. If you want it take it. Why do you figure that suicide bombers don’t show up in muslim countries to “take” this freedom. The biggest issue I have with iraq is that I don’t think freeing muslims is worth american blood. You are “lucky” that iraq/afghanistan is in our national interests, because it it wasn’t the american people wouldn’t give a crud. Bin Laden strangely enough did the muslim people a favor by getting our attention.
This person is on the right path. You SHOULD be ashamed of being muslim today, this is part of the problem here. If you cannot be ashamed of this act, they you are the problem.
— Terrorism is a human act that has nothing to do with any religions. No
religion was sent with a terror message! —
Sura 4-89: “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus
be on the same footing (as they): but take not friends from their ranks until
they flee in the way of Allah (from what is forbidden). But if they turn
renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case)
take no friends or helpers from their ranks…”
Sura 9-29: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold
that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the
Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves
Sura 22-9: “As for the unbelievers for them garments of fire shall be cut and
there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in
their bowels and skins shall be dissolved and they will be punished with
hooked iron rods.”
Sura 47-4: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when
you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining
Muslims regard the book from which these obscenities were taken as the Literal
Word of God. They dare not dissent from that proposition, for that would
constitute apostasy, and Islam decrees that apostates must die.
Be ashamed, Muslims. Be very ashamed.
I simply don’t believe any longer in the easy assurances that Bush and Blair make vis-a-vis Islam as a religion of peace. As much as people hate Jerry Falwell and Pat Robinson they are not killing people. I am astonished at how the victim is blamed over and over again in these cases. Might it just be that Islam is flawed and what we are seeing in all these terrorist acts is the true face of Islam? If not, prove it.
I agree with Neila. People do a lot of bad things in the name of religion, but that doesn’t make religion bad. I’m Christian, a faith which has been notoriously abused in the name of all kind of shameful actions, but that doesn’t make Christianity bad in and of itself. Opportunitists will latch onto any excuse.
Neila Charchour Hachicha
Give us, we Arab democrats the same rights in our counries, and terrorists will
naturally disappear. Islamic Terrorism is linked to Moslem dictatorships.
A couple of quick points points
1 No one can GIVE you freedom, you have to take it yourselves!
2 What America is doing now it Iraq is planting a seed of freedom in the heart of the mid east.
Not that simple. Islam needs a major reformation. There is no tolerance
for the secular in Islam as exists within Judaism and Christianity.
We have permission to have secular lives which Muslims don’t.
Islam protects and fosters terrorism. So much of it is done is the name of
Allah. Just look at Dafur.
Islam has bloody borders. It is a religion of intolerance. How do you
have a democracy when women can’t participate?