Thursday World Blog Roundup


As Zimbabwe's government crackdown called “Operation Restore Order” evokes an international outcry, Sokwanele describes what it's like to “have stared into the face of evil.” The Zimbabwean Pundit calls for a boycott of South African goods to protest the fact that South African President Thabo Mbeki could be doing much more to bring Zimbabwe's President Mugabe under control.

Congo Girl describes what its like living and working as the country hunkers down for an impending general strike, plus fears of possible looting and pillaging on June 30th, the 45th anniversary of DR Congo's independence from Belgium.

Middle East:

The Arabist Network has a first hand account of a demonstration in Northern Cairo. (Picture from Arabist Network, with more here.)

From Cairo With Love asks “What's Wrong with Egyptians?”

The Big Pharaoh has some views about the exchange of ambassadors between Egypt and Iraq.

Silly Bahraini Girl has some sarcastic remarks on “Democracy in Wonderland.”

Hossein Derakhsan (Hoder) has returned to London from Iran.

Omid at the Iranian Prospect believes Friday's runoff election will be a battle between Iran's middle class and lower classes.

Babak Seradjeh at Free Thoughts on Iran believes the road to democracy does not lead through this week's elections.

Iran Scan has some new opinion poll numbers predicting a win for Rafsanjani.

Iraq the Model has been mentioned in the AO/Technorati Open Media 100. Congratulations!

Central Asia and Caucasus:

Afghan Warrior reports on the killing of an election worker. points to this interesting post about the tightening of government control over the .kz domain name in Kazakhstan.

Also at, Nathan points to debates around the blogs about the geopolitical struggle over Uzbekistan.

Blogrel continues a lively discussion of democracy in Armenia.

In Azerbaijan, Carpetblogger found something strange in a copper workshop.

The section above was compiled by Rebecca MacKinnon.

Latin America:

Venezuelan blog directory, VeneBlogs points to [es] an article in El Universal [es] which profiles three Venezuelan blogs dedicated to the art of … food. The first is that of gourmet chef Sumito Estevez [es], who just recently opened his own restaurant. Caracas based journalist María Luisa Ríos writes about local restaurants, events, and desserts in her blog Mil Sabores [es] (One Thousand Flavors) and finally blog de Takeshi [es], from the Andean region of Mérida is written in Spanish by a Japanese chef and focuses on gastronomy from the Venezuelan Andes.

Rosario is ecstatic [en] that “Uruguay has now joined the ranks of civilized countries”.. who read Harry Potter…

primera conferencia weblogsEduardo Arcos of Mexico City encourages readers to participate in the First Conference of Weblogs.Communication [es] on July 15th at the Coyoacan Cultural Forum in Mexico City. In addition to registering for the free event, conference administrators are soliciting short presentations and white papers. Here's the conference description [es]. Widely regarded Spanish blogger and professor, Dr. José Luis Orihuela Colliva [es] will be speaking at the conference.

The section above was compiled by David Sasaki (el Oso).

East Asia

primera conferencia weblogsThe Lost Nomad alerts us to the fact that PBS has posted on-line (streaming only, unfortunately) a number of Frontline documentaries on North Korea’s nuclear program. Thanks to Asiapundit for the heads-up.

ESWN explains the lengths that officals take to keep information out of the newspapers in China.

The China Digital Times points to an OJR roundtable about the hurdles that Chinese bloggers face.

Japanpundit points to a matched set of point-counterpoint Op-Eds in the pages of the Japan Times arguing the merits of whaling; this is an interesting dicussion in light of the IWC’s recent decision to defeat Japan’s proposal to resume commercial whaling.

Photograph by RM Tunick

South-East Asia

The Brussels Convention outlines transnational civil jurisdiction issues in the European Union; this makes doing business in the EU a much more predictable affair. The Aseanist argues that for ASEAN to really fulfill its potential, it needs its own version of the Brussels Convention.

The Insane Ox Relaoded, an anonymous academic blog in Malaysia, wonders what it will take to wake up his collegues.

Jeff Ooi has a question about a disgruntled reader and what he should do.

Clair from Blah! on the task of changing the image of the Filipina online. This is a movement that exists partly due to the unfortunate fact that the majority of first-page Google results for ‘filipina’ are mail-order bride sites.

Mr.Brown on whether or not nerds make better lovers.

Noodlepie is attempting to review all the softdrinks on sale in Saigon. Hopefully his teeth won’t all fall out before he finishes…

South Asia points us to an anonymous blog written by a US diplomat in India.

United We Blog wonders, tongue only slightly in cheek, about whatever happened to the Nepalese Royal Commission for Corruption Control?


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