Stories from 20 June 2005
Monday Global Blog Roundup
East Asia New Mongols, under the guise of a complaint about a Chinese museum of Mongolian culture, takes a close look at patriarchal Chinese attitudes towards Mongolia. An in-store McDonald’s...
Question to Iranian bloggers: What are the Persian blogs saying?
Global Voices invites a Persian-speaking blogger to help inform the world about what the Persian blogs are saying about Iran's election. Unfortunately we do not have a person on our...
Declaration for a Free Internet
Reporters Without Borders and the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) have just released a set of six recommendations which governments and corporations should follow in order to...
Iran: bloggers mull election results
With election authorities now ordering a partial recount and a run-off between Rafsanjani and the conservative Ahmadinejad scheduled for this coming Friday, bloggers continue to chew over the results and...