Timbuktu Chronicles has a review of George Ayittey's Africa Unchained
Brian of Black Star Journal has a history lesson on the role of Liberia in Guinea's civil strife, and the hard time the country is having in getting aid to war ravaged areas.
Chippla thinks it's absurd that an American intelligence expert would speculate that Al Qaeda base itself in Nigeria… and potentially damaging to Nigeria's economy.
George Conard of On Safari with El Jorgito is looking for ways to charge cellphones in rural Rwanda… and stumbles on a post I wrote for WorldChanging…!
Central Asia:
Nathan at Registan and Lyndon at Scraps of Moscow are both following events in Andijan, where hundreds have died in clashes between protesters and security forces and thousands are trying to flee to Kyrgyzstan. Working Definition, a Peace Corps volunteer in Uzbekistan, has some background on the conflict, and wonders about the content of several websites blocked from within Uzbekistan. Those sites include Muslim Uzbekistan, which features a set of photos from Andijan.
Afghan Warrior is concerned about comments former president Mujaddedi has made that appear to offer amnesty to Mullah Omar and other senior Taliban officials.
Baltic Cocktail is concerned about skinhead violence in Riga, Latvia.
Petr Bokuvka, the Daily Czech, is (understandably) upset about a Canadian/Czech fight during the hockey world championship. I miss hockey.
Omnik of Blogrel wishes the Armenian diaspora would put some pressure on the government to end the ArmenTel monopoly.
Middle East:
Linda of Oh Yeah, This is Life wonders why she Arabizes English words when speaking to her grandmother.
Friends of AlJazeera reports that AlJazeera reporters were detained while reporting a judicial meeting discussing the monitoring of upcoming elections. AlJazeera's reporting on Egyptian reform and programming featuring opposition leaders has been criticized on Egyptian state-controlled television.
The Arabist Network has a photo of a billboard at the Iraq/Iran border.
South America:
Argepundit is incensed about Newsweek's correction to its reports on abuse of the Koran at Guantanamo Bay, arguing that “Newsweek lied, people died!” (en español).
South Asia:
Rezwan of The 3rd World View has a roundup from Bangladesh newspapers, including a story about “Sisimpur” – the localized version of Sesame Street – and a link to a blog that promises an exposé of the Dhaka central jail.
Avaiki, blogging from Rarotonga in the Cook Islands, wonders when Pacific Islanders will receive compensation for illness related to fallout from cold war nuclear testing and wonders if New Zealand will help Islanders press their case.
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