Mental Acrobat on why politics rocks and why Africa needs millions of students of politics.
Mama Junkyard is “confuddled” (please give her props for coining this term) about her blog identity versus her real identity. Do those distinct identities even exist, are they two different people, would they like each other? Read on to find out.
Mshairi gives her view on the identity “crisis.”
Owen has no idea what Maitha of Mawazo na Mawaidha is saying, but thinks the language is very cool. An excellent example of why the Global Voices project exists…to eventually help bridge these gaps…now if we could just come up with a Swahili-English online translator.
Ms. K would like to find some green clothes and would appreciate it if Camilla just gave up on hats.
Sonny reminisces about breakfast.
Afromusing on the chasm between Africans and African Americans.
Local newspaper report on the Barclays Bank of Kenya AGM. Bankelele's report on the same AGM. Aren't blogs a good thing?
An online Swahili-English translator would be great. I would love to know how silly Maitha thinks my readers and I are.
Ndesanjo of Jikomboe and Digital Africa and I are meeting Sunday to talk about the possibility of doing a periodic roundup of Kiswahili blogs with translation for those of us who are Swahili-disabled. (Differently-swahili’d?)
thanks for the wonderful work you’re doing in putting together the kenyan blogs.
manze these things are becoming mob – not that i’m complaining!
Thanks for your work!