- Global Voices - https://globalvoices.org -

Yet more next steps…

Categories: Citizen Media

Ben Walker and Rebecca Mackinnon have proved that my running around the room with microphones was worthwhile. They've done an amazing job of editing our conversations and debates into a brief audio story for future broadcast or podcast. If you we're able to attend the Global Voices gathering in person, this broadcast is probably the single best quick introduction to what we're doing. (If you did attend the conference, listen to it anyway and marvel at how Rebecca and Ben managed to summarize the day.) And please blog it – it would be great to get this file into wide circulation. Rebecca's also written an excellent conference report for Personal Democracy Forum, which complements the radio story nicely.

There's a good conversation taking place on the comments of the previous “manifesto” post. Two questions I find particularly interesting: is this statement we've drafted a manifesto, or more of a “covenant”? And when do we decide we're done drafting it? Do we expand and polish until we have something like the Cluetrain Manifesto, or do we move forward with a rough and ready document we're all comfortable signing onto? Please join in and tell us what you think.

The wiki has migrated from Hoder's site to a Harvard site – please check it out. I've just added a section, inviting people to talk about projects they're working on connected to Global Voices, or to propose new projects they see as fitting within the Global Voices ethos. It's a great place to try out some new ideas and to solicit help from others in our movement. Please pitch in when you have a chance.