Complementing Rebecca's Global Voices aggregator, I'd like to invite you to share links on sites you think might be useful to our conversation using I'm starting a set of bookmarks and invite you do to the same, using, and tagging the appropriate bookmarks as “globalvoices”.
For those who haven't used it: is a “social bookmark manager”. It allows you to maintain a set of bookmarks online, and to share these bookmarks with other users. Others can see what sites you've bookmarked and the categories you've classified them in. Once you've created a category – like “globalvoices” – it links to every other collection named “globalvoices” created by other users.
To try it out, go to, and create an account. Follow the instructions to add “bookmarklets” to yoyr web browser. Point your browser to a site germane to the Global Voices discussion. Use the “post to” bookmarklet to add this site to your bookmarks. In the “tags” field, add “globalvoices” so the rest of us will be able to find your bookmarks.
Every URl tagged as “globalvoices” is viewable from a single page – pretty empty right now, but should fill right up if we all participate.
I love this idea since I’m also a fan to I believe we can
collectly generate a big picture from those key urls to each blogosphere
with different culture.
Actually we can also find some interesting links by putting “countryname”
and “blog” together, e.g.,, comes a snapshot
of China’s blog…
I have admire your unselfishness in taking the time to make this web site.
Very exceptional pieces of information. Very nice webpage though. I applaud
I like the way you set up that your info is the homepage, nicely done. Thanks!
Please visit some relevant pages about- Tons of interesdting stuff!!!