· July, 2005

Stories about United Kingdom from July, 2005

England: Liveblogging London

22 July 2005

The English blog perfect.co.uk has spent the last two days live-blogging on-going developments in the London terror case. (via a fistful of euros)


15 July 2005

In the aftermath of the 7/7 bombings, the blog Lenin's Tomb looks at rising Islamophobia in Great Britain.

Is it a Muslim Problem?

  10 July 2005

After the London blasts, Jeff Jarvis said he is not sure if the Western world is dealing with the problem of terrorism directly. However, he thinks that Tom Friedman has...

Western Europe Friday Blog Roundup

  8 July 2005

A bit of meta-coverage: A Fist Full of Euros notes that “A recurring theme in all the commentary of the attacks is the stoicism, composure and defiance of Londoners.” Heiko...

London blast blogging

  7 July 2005

(Image by “alfie” posted at moblog.co.uk) Thanks to Erica George for pointing us to this Livejournal Community devoted to information sharing in the aftermath of today's bomb blasts in London....

Friday Global Blog Roundup

  1 July 2005

We’re always looking for new ideas and good stories to write about. If you have a story or a blog post that you think would be a good fit for...