· February, 2013

Stories about Western Europe from February, 2013

Listening to Colours

  12 February 2013

Original de Vilaweb. Neil Harbisson és primer ciborg reconegut oficialment per un govern i el protagonista del documental guanyador al Festival Sundance 'Cyborg Foundation', del cineasta català Rafel Duran. Harbisson va néixer amb acromatòpsia, una condició que li impedeix distingir els colors. Aquest artista visual i compositor, amb l'ajuda d'un enginyer, va inventar l'Eyeborg, un dispositiu que li serveix per percebre les freqüències que emeten els colors.

From Whispers to Outcry: Sexism in Germany

  11 February 2013

On January 25, an outcry rang out through the German-speaking blogosphere. Twitter users using hashtag the #aufschrei told their experiences of everyday sexism, sexual harassment and even abuse. Is Germany actually as modern as it likes to imagine itself?

“Radical Imagination” in the Context of Global Protests

  6 February 2013

The development of digital communication has allowed the voice of the people to be carried further, whilst at the same time liberating words, images, ideas and actions that were previously restricted to specific areas. The virtual world is ultra-connected, full of ideas and teeming with innovative entrepreneurial initiatives. People in the real world then use this digital interconnection to protest, organise and express dissident ideas.

Open Access and the Complexity of Digital Rights

  6 February 2013

How do ways of thinking change through time and space? Today, this problem concerning the way the human intellect works is compounded by a new method of transmission - digital. Open Access are calling for free availabilty of digitised publications from publicly-funded scientific research.

An Online Campaign Demands Quality Journalism from La Vanguardia

  4 February 2013

The Catalan Association for Scientific Communication, the Spanish Association of Scientific Communication and the Society for the Progression of Critical Thinking have started an Internet campaign via online petition platform Change.org asking for scientific accuracy in La Vanguardia, one of the widest circulated Catalan newspapers and part of the Grupo...

Massive Political Corruption Causes Outrage in Spain

  2 February 2013

The former treasurer of the governing Popular Party, Luis Bárcenas, is being investigated for paying bonus salaries under the table to well known public officers. The case has caused strong reactions that had led to protests on the streets and on the web.

Portugal: Authorities Bring Charges Against Women Activists

  2 February 2013

Following a series of demonstrations against austerity in Portugal, the country's national police force and the prosecutor general's office have faced heavy criticism for their decision to bring legal action against several protesters and activists. Among them, three women activists face justice: Myriam Zaluar, Mariana Avelãs and Paula Montez.