Stories about Greece from May, 2008
Greece: Macedonian Party
Say: Macedonia writes about the first congress of the Macedonian “Rainbow Party” in Greece.
Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria: Zorba the Greek
Greater Surbiton quotes from Nikos Kazantzakis‘ “Zorba the Greek”: “Given current Greek policy toward Macedonia, it is illuminating to read the words that Kazantzakis placed in the mouth of this...
Macedonia: Greek Pacifists’ Visit
Anastas Vangeli posted his impressions of the anti-nationalistic and anti-militaristic Greek-Macedonian Dialogue which took place last Saturday – in Macedonian and English. The participants were branded as traitors in the...
Macedonia: Bloggers Emphasize Need for Open Communication with Greece
Amid the internal turmoil caused by Greek actions to block Macedonia's accession to NATO and the EU, and due to an increasing number of reports of attacks over Macedonian truck drivers by nationalist mobs in Greece, many Macedonian bloggers are attempting to bridge the gap of ignorance existing between the two nations.