Stories about Western Europe from August, 2022
In Azerbaijan, international absence on a visit to formerly disputed territory draws government ire
The absence of US and French representatives at the event dedicated to the "restoration and reconstruction" of territories Azerbaijan regained after the war, seemed to have irritated the authorities.
Whistleblowing is a service to society: Interview with Disruption Network Lab director Tatiana Bazzichelli
Whistleblowers are painted as heroes or villains, but what motivates them? Global Voices spoke to Tatiana Bazzichelli, a writer who recently edited "Whistleblowing for Change," an anthology on the subject.
Unable to emigrate and not welcome at home: The Azerbaijani political refugees in limbo
For many Azerbaijanis fleeing the country, among them regular migrants as well as political activists, Germany has become a popular destination. But it has not been a smooth ride.
A new exhibit in the UK reframes the legacy of a brutal British governor; will Trinidad & Tobago follow suit?
Picton's portrait, which occupied an eminent space in the National Museum Cardiff for more than a century, was removed last year, but his name still echoes in Trinidad and Tobago.