Stories about Western Europe from August, 2016
The Burkini Ban Is Only Skin Deep
By focusing on a law governing what women can and can't wear, we're missing the deeper point of the argument.
In Syria and Beyond, Protesters Make Sure the World Doesn't Forget the Ghouta Chemical Massacre
"We must teach all dictators a lesson, that all people will come together against any dictatorial regime in the world."
When Never Forgetting the Attacks on France, Try to Remember the Heroes, Too
Global Voices looks at several heroic stories during the latest mass attacks on French soil.
Syria’s ‘White Helmets’ Have Saved Thousands of Lives. Now, They’re Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
"In a conflict where too many have chosen violence, the White Helmets wake up everyday to save the lives others are trying so hard to take."
‘Limited Bandwidth': Where Is the Reporting on Kashmir?
"For partisan commenters on both sides, compromise seems impossible. Kashmir is like Solomon’s Baby, except both of its prospective mothers are happy to cut it in half."
Empathy for the Enemy and the Oppressed: Political Pop Songs from the Eighties
A look back at seven pop hits from the 1980s that pack a political punch.