Stories about Western Europe from June, 2016
‘I'll Stay as Long as the Queen Allows Me to Stay’ and Other Brexit Reactions From the Portuguese-Speaking World
"Brexit...whatever happens from now on, no one can erase these results from citizens' memories."
Macedonian Youth Speak Out About Freedom of Expression Through Mini-Videos
"The important thing for the youth to understand is that you do not let them mute you, no matter what."
After Brexit, Timor-Leste Workers Are Worried About Their Future in the UK
"European leaders must display serenity and begin to re-imagine a Union that is more peoples-based, reconnecting with the real people, less focused on the stifling Brussels-based bureaucrats."
The Caribbean Considers the Ripple Effects of Brexit
Economic fallout, a hostile view towards immigration, and a world where Donald Trump could be the next US President. Surprise: many Caribbean Internet users are not pleased about Brexit.
A Children's Book Introduces German Kids to the True Story of Syrian Refugees
Germany has received more than 1 million refugees, many of them children from Syria.
Balkan Right-Wing Populists Gloat Over #Brexit
While the official reactions by most Balkan governments included expressions of guarded concern for the EU after the Brexit, Europhobic representatives of right-wing parties expressed joy via social networks.
Brexit: Heartbroken, But Not Broken
"Ignoring what's been going on in our country's politics is what got us here today. We were too uninvolved in decisions that have made a huge impact on our lives."
In Denmark, Imams and Priests Square Off in a Friendly Soccer Match
"It is unfortunate that one has to keep telling the world that we are not each other's enemies, but I am an optimistic person and I will hold onto hope."
Muslim Refugees Stuck in Greece Miss Home More Than Ever During Ramadan
The Greek government is making an effort to support Muslim refugees during Ramadan, but for those stuck in limbo the holiday is also a painful reminder of better days.
Russia-Trained Civil Militias Along Bulgaria's Borders Are ‘Ready for War With Refugees’
The civilian militias hunting refugees along the country's borders are a major manifestation of the rising tide of xenophobia in Bulgaria. Yet the authorities are mostly silent on the issue.
A Joint Photo Exhibition Between Greece and Turkey Brings These Neighbors Closer Together
They believe that peace and friendship is the best way to overcome problems and that art, especially photography, is a medium that can bring people closer together.
Safe in Germany, a Syrian Refugee Learns to Smile Again
"In the cab, I stared out the window at this beautiful land. Can I build a future here? I wondered."
‘The Day I Became Just a Stupid Number': One Syrian Refugee's Journey to Europe
"It is an experience you would never want to go through unless you are truly desperate," Zozan Khaled Musa writers about her journey through Eastern Europe in search of refuge.
Women Are Speaking Up About the Sexual Harassment They've Experienced in French Politics
"...when it happens, you don't know how to react. You're stunned. Frozen. Do you give him a slap? Everyone is looking at you. Why are you not laughing?"
For One Syrian Refugee, the Boat Crossing to Greece ‘Seemed Like an Endless Journey’
"The idea of a safe trip...was just a lie that we used to comfort ourselves. I knew that all of them were liars, getting rich in the trade of humans."
For a Conversation With a Random Swede, Call This Number
They were expecting 2,500 Swedish volunteers to answer phone calls from foreigners curious about their country. They got 30,000.
Macedonia's Ruling Party Has Resuscitated Socialist Realism Without the Socialism
Macedonia's ruling party placed an order for more than 50 paintings, depicting key moments in its history, in the manner of the former Communist party.
How Madagascar's The Dizzy Brains Is Rocking Its Way Into European Hearts
The Dizzy Brains to Madagascar's prime minister: "Just do your job, man!"
The Archbishop of Cyprus Says He's ‘Satisfied’ With a Far-Right Party's Election Success
"Are you satisfied that they don't condemn Nazism? Are you satisfied by swastikas? By angled crosses?"
Spain's Archbishop of Valencia and His Crusade Against the ‘Gay Empire’
An LGBT rights advocacy group has filed a formal complaint with the district attorney for hate crimes “for his homophobic and sexist comments that only serve to incite hatred."