Stories about Western Europe from May, 2014
Free E-books: Digital Survival Kit
Andrea Collazo publishes [es] on Profesora de Informática [Computing teacher] her first free e-book: Security, browsers, e-mail, office automation, storage in “The Cloud”, messaging, multimedia, image treatament, accesories. Meet the...
Wow Madrid!
Francisco Javier is rejoiced [es] with the recent victory of Real Madrid Football Club on the 2013-2014 UEFA Champions League. Who remembers what was going on 12 years ago? Well,...
German Graduates Fight Back Against Woefully Paid Internships: ‘Have You No Shame?’
A letter of complaint gives rise to debates among social science students and graduates through mailing lists and Facebook. The topic: unpaid and badly paid traineeships and internships.
Spain, Podemos Political Party for 2015?
John McMarlo writes [es] on Hasta el corral y más allá about the performance of new political group Podemos on recent European election in Spain: To me, the moral here...
Chavs, on UK Working Class
Dani @El_Taquillero writes [es] on Sólo por molestar about the book Chavs. The Demonization of the Working Class, by Owen Jones. Chav is a term used to name a sub class...
What is Eco-Friendly?
Rut de Esturirafi writes [es] about what does being eco-friendly means: To me, being eco-friendy is being sustainable, i.e., to try to keep a balance between environment, social and economic...
Challenges of Education in the 21st Century
Mikel Agirregabiria gets inspiration from the movie Dead Poets Society to point out [es] the current needs of education: The 21st century educations demands posing again some issues that were...
Learning How to Sing
Do you think it's impossible to sing if you don't have a good voice from birth? Carlos Campaña on Vox Technologies thinks [es] the opposite: It's possible to learn how...
Spain: If European Election Would Have Been Legislative…
On the blog Recuerdos de Pandora, Milhaud carries out [es] a maths exercise and takes the results of European election in Spain to a legislative election, and the analyses that...
Twitter Effects in Thinking
Carles López Cerezuela believes Twitter produces some kind of “collateral damage” in human thinking, and on his blog KRLS he relates [es] some of those effects considering the good and...
Comments on the Results of European Election
Martín Guevara writes [es] on his self named blog about the results in Spain of the European Parliament election that ended on Sunday, May 25. Martín is surprised with the...
Disempowerment for Collective Growth
On Mi pensadero there is a review of the Seminar about Participation, Self Management and Disempowerment #ikaskide1314. About disempowerment, the website comments [es]: Disempowerment is leaving power that incites a...
Atletico Madrid Football Club Campaign
Américo Alvarado wrote on Barataria about the campaign by Atletico Madrid Football Club: Sometimes, we witness real life stories, worthy of the seventh art. And right now we are witnessing...
Reading “I am Malala”
On Books’ Whisper, there is a review [es] of the book “I am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai where they claim everybody should read her story. The post reviewed here was...
What Happens When a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Atheist and Agnostic Travel the World Together?
Victor, Josselin, Samuel, Ilan and Ismael all belong to different religions (or none at all). Together, they created the InterFaith Tour.
What is Really Ailing France ?
The inability of the French economy to rebound from the Euro zone crisis, the loss of corporate champions like Alstom and Arcelor and the forceful rise of the far right...
Spain: Unconceivable Oblivion of an Atlético Madrid Football Club Fan
In an exciting football soccer match, Real Madrid team defeated with a final score of four goals to one the Atlético de Madrid for the Champions League championship, in the...
People with Disabilities and Rare Diseases Contest European Elections
"We are a group of people affected, directly or indirectly, by a disability or rare disease, united by a common goal — improving the lives of those affected."
A Low-cost Solution to Heal Cataract in Sub Saharan Countries
One of the main causes of blindness in sub saharan countries are cataracts. A group of french physicians has developed a surgical kit called “Phacokit” to treat at low-cost individuals suffering from cataract...
‘Mafalda’ Cartoonist Quino Awarded Prince of Asturias Prize in Spain
The well-known 81-year-old Argentinian cartoonist is the man behind the idealistic yet pessimistic little girl Mafalda.
VIDEO: “Same But Different” Kids With Disabilities Tell Their Stories
Eight British children with disabilities and medical conditions tell their stories in Same But Different, an award-winning documentary by David Barnes. It is a collection of short portraits of children...