· February, 2013

Stories about Western Europe from February, 2013

Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe Make Music

  28 February 2013

Until March 1, 2013, Pantalassa, a cultural association working with Portuguese language countries, is organizing a multidisciplinary program of artistic residences in the “marvelous islands” of São Tomé and Príncipe, together...

Why Are Tourists Not Wanted at French Carnival?

  27 February 2013

A video featuring a group of masked Carnival revelers in Dunkirk, France chanting "we don't like tourists" has some web users ruing the flood of visitors who come year after year unprepared for the festival's madness.

Weary of Austerity, Portugal Sings a Song of Revolution

  27 February 2013

Thousands of Portuguese people have promised a massive anti-austerity protest on March 2, 2013. Leading up to the date, demonstrators have led a campaign to interrupt government ministers during their public appearances by singing a historic song used by revolutionaries who toppled the country's dictatorship in 1974.

How Would Africans Feel about A Black Pope ?

  25 February 2013

Following the surprise resignation, the debate on Benedict XVI's succession was immediately launched. In particular, Africans, on the basis of the fastest growing contingent of Catholics on their continent, began to put forward the names of their favourites among the 18 cardinal Africans who are part of the College of Cardinal and who will meet in conclave to elect the new pope.

Macedonian Anti-Fascists Protest Against Harassment

  24 February 2013

On Feb. 16, World War II veterans and their supporters protested against the forced neglect of the Allied Forces' achievements (which include the founding of the Macedonian state), and the continuous harassment of the veterans' organization by the current government at all levels. Filip Stojanovski reports.

The Worst Companies of the Year

  22 February 2013

Here were the nominees for the Public Eye Awards, a contest listing the worst companies of the year, was published by the website Public Eye. Organized by the Berne Declaration...

The Spanish Government's ‘Obscene’ Hashtag Makes Waves on Twitter

  21 February 2013

The Spanish governing party launched the hashtag #QuelaenseñeRubalcaba [#ShowyoursRubalcaba] in order to urge the leader of the opposition to publish his income tax return. The hashtag has been received with great furore on Twitter and became a Top Trend within a few hours. In this article we've collected some of the wittiest tweets, as well as numerous images which surfers have been uploading on the social network. [All links lead to Spanish language pages unless otherwise stated]

Global Voices in Sesión de Control

  21 February 2013

We are pleased to announce that, as of a few weeks ago, Sesión de Control, an online Spanish political affairs magazine, is republishing articles from Global Voices on its website.

Spanish Parliamentarians Tweet Secret Mario Draghi meeting

  18 February 2013

El Presidente del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) Mario Draghi pidió que su intervención en el Congreso español se realizara a puertas cerradas. Pero dos diputados desobedecieron la petición de Draghi y transmitieron en tiempo real en Twitter las intervenciones de Draghi bajo la etiqueta que ellos mismo crearon #OpenDraghi.

Crowdfunders Empty Pockets for Catalan Independence

  18 February 2013

‘L'endemà. Respostes per a decidir‘, a documentary project about Catalonia's potential independence from Spain, produced by Isona Passola [ca], earned a record-breaking €150,000 on the crowdfunding platform Verkami on February 15, 2013. Passola, who...

Eurovegas in Spain: Panacea or Plunder?

  17 February 2013

Officials have announced that Eurovegas, the future city of leisure that will supposedly create hundreds of thousands of jobs for Spain, will be built on the outskirts of Madrid. Why, then, are so many people raising their voices against the project, which should be a godsend for a country with more than five million people out of work?

“A Thousand Europeans Staring Back at You”

  15 February 2013

The Portuguese website Variações Sobre a Europa (Variations on Europe) [pt] invites one thousand citizens to create a digital avatar and to participate with their opinions for the construction of...

Under Pressure, Spain Opens Door to Foreclosure Reform

  14 February 2013

The Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH), joined by an impressive social movement, fought for Congress to change mortgage legislation in Spain. In the end, the Popular Party bowed to intense public pressure mobilized via the #ILPescrache hashtag.

Spain: €8.1 Million Bail for the King's Son-in-law

  12 February 2013

Iñaki Urdangarín, Duke of Palma, accused of embezzlement of public funds, fraud, breach of trust/corruption and forgery of documents since 2012, has been in and out of the courts with less than enviable frequency. Recently, a warrant for Urdangarín was issued in relation to misappropriation of public funds.