· June, 2012

Stories about Western Europe from June, 2012

Spain: Miners on Strike Bring Struggle to the Net

  29 June 2012

Spanish miners, on strike to protest cuts to their sector, have used social media to further their cause. Take a look at how some of the workers are taking their struggle to Facebook, Twitter, and the world wide web.

Greece: Flash Opera in Metro Station

  23 June 2012

To honor European Music Day on June 21, the Greek National Opera organized a small flash concert in Syntagma metro station in Athens, in front of hundreds of surprised passengers,...

Greece: Immigrant Knifed on Election Night

  22 June 2012

Violence against immigrants has been steadily mounting in Athens since last year's spate of attacks, especially before the recent elections which saw the extreme right Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) party gaining...

Spain: No to Eurovegas in Barcelona Gathers Momentum Online

  22 June 2012

The possible arrival of the Eurovegas mega project to the Llobregat delta in Barcelona has provoked outrage in social networks. City dwellers, social groups and the Church show their disapproval to the project that they feel is detrimental to Catalonia.

Sharing Photos of the Afghanistan You Never See

Most media covering developments in Afghanistan carry terrifying images. Through their lens, Afghanistan is presented as a country drowning in the waves of violence and militancy. A number of photographers help people to see the war-torn but beautiful country from a different perspective.

Angola: Rhythms of Resistance, Past and Present

  18 June 2012

While international human rights organizations and bloggers are calling attention to the escalation of violence and repression against Angolan activists and musicians in the run up to this year's elections, in Lisbon, recently a tribute was paid to the Angolan music of resistance from the 1950s and 60s - N'Gola Ritmos. We invite you to time travel to the past of Anglola's rhythms of resistance and reflect on the country's political present.

Afghanistan's First Computer-Animated Movie

  14 June 2012

Leaving the three decades of war and destruction behind, Afghans make use of modern technology and media to rebuild the country and raise new generations with a brighter vision for the future. ‘Buz-e-Chini‘ (Goat) is the country's first ever 3D computer-animated short film.

France: Interview with Pirate Party candidates

  7 June 2012

Framablog posts a long interview [fr] with 3 candidates from the Pirate Party for the upcoming French parliamentary elections of June 10/17. They explain their ideas about Internet freedom and a new way of doing...

Greece: Inspiration Behind the Shocking ‘Modern Maenad’ Photo

  7 June 2012

A photo showing a young naked woman, a modern Maenad (a mythological female follower of Dionysus) bleeding from her navel and holding in her hands like a newborn baby, the Greek flag, has travelled around the world. For the photographer, it underlines the current psychological situation of Greek people, their lost pride and anger, while experiencing the crisis.

Spain: Crowdfunding Against the Impunity of the Banks

  7 June 2012

In view of the indifference of the government and the district attorney’s office to investigate the management of Bankia by it's ex chairman, Rodrigo Rato, people in Spain raised money from donations to submit a complaint before the court. In 24 hours, more than the €15, 000 (Euros) of the required funds were raised, resulting in the collapse for a few hours of the crowdfunding website.

Spain: “Occupying” the Banks on the Street and the Net

  6 June 2012

The bailout of Bankia could cost 23,000 million euros but the governing politicians and the managers of Bankia do not seem interested in holding those responsible accountable. In the face of this, the Spanish people have taken matters into their own hands. Since the crisis began, popular initiatives have flourished both digitally and on the streets.

Greece: “Stay in Europe” Movement

  4 June 2012

A new movement, “Stay in Europe” [el], aims to gather all Greek citizens who want Greece to remain in the Eurozone and European Union in a big demonstration in front of Syntagma Square...