· January, 2012

Stories about Western Europe from January, 2012

Spanish-Speaking Twittersphere Fumes Over Announcement

  31 January 2012

Twitter's announcement that it will restrict certain user content according to the laws of individual countries immediately caused a negative reaction in the Spanish-speaking Twittersphere. Twitter users widely employed the hashtags #CensuramestaTwitter and #TwitterCensored to display their anger with the social networking site.

UK: #TwitterKurds Organize First Social Media Gathering in London

  29 January 2012

A group of Kurdish Internet activists that have been organizing around the #TwitterKurds hashtag on Twitter have come together for the first Kurdish Social Media Gathering earlier this month in London. The event was live streamed and joined in via Skype and YouTube by those who could not be there physically, although there were participants who had traveled from as far as Australia to participate.

Portugal: State Radio Silenced after Angola Opinion Piece

  27 January 2012

A week after the broadcast of an opinion piece by the journalist Pedro Rosa Mendes on public radio, the end of the program was announced. The piece criticized the coverage of an event with several politicians and business men from Portugal and Angola. Bloggers immediately reacted to the "axing of freedom of expression".

United Kingdom: You cannot evict an idea

  20 January 2012

Set in a multimillion pound complex, complete with a 500-seater lecture hall that had been abandoned by investment bank UBS, the Bank of Ideas provides room for community groups and other public services that have lost their space due to UK Government's spending cuts. The project is entering the third month and braces itself for an appeal case against their eviction, expected in Court next week.

Global: Pictures Not for Free

  13 January 2012

Edmond Terakopian, one of the UK's leading press photographers, comments on the tendency for some publications to expect photojournalists to supply images for free or for a token payment. The...

Greece: Criticism of Politicians During Theophany Celebrations

  12 January 2012

In Greece, January 6 is the national holiday of Theophany. Every year, government and civic officials attend the celebrations and make official statements. However, due to the economic, political and social crisis in Greece, this year's celebrations were marked by strong expressions of disapproval and criticism of politicians.