· September, 2010

Stories about Western Europe from September, 2010

Portugal: Monthly “Green” Blogging Competition

  20 September 2010

Every month, LX Sustentável [Sustainable Lisbon, pt], a blog focusing on “urban sustainability”, runs Green Blogger Awards. The organization nominates the best five posts from Portuguese blogs tagged with #lxsustentavel,...

Palestine: Sending A Message With Social Media

  16 September 2010

Arjan El Fassed made headlines last year for having a street in a Palestinian refugee camp named after his Twitter account, and has been involved with an online initiative in which people can request messages to be spray-painted on the West Bank wall. In this interview with Global Voices he talks about the potential of social media to help the Palestinian cause.

Global: If there is no water, there is no life

  13 September 2010

The Twentieth gathering for the World Water Week (WWW) took place in Sweden's Capital Stockholm from the 5th to the 11th of September 2010 with the theme The Water Quality Challenge-Prevention, Wise Use and Abatement. According to the organisers, “urbanisation, agriculture, industry and climate change exert mounting pressure on both the quantity and quality of our water resources.”