Stories about Western Europe from June, 2008
Israel: Sarkozy Security Scare at Airport
As French President Nicholas Sarkozy departed Israel's Ben-Gurion Airport, shots rang out. A quick assessment revealed that one of the Israeli members of Sarkozy's security detail had turned his weapon...
Russia: Euro 2008
Ger Clancy, aka The Irishman, is guestblogging at Sean's Russia Blog about the Russian football team's performance at Euro 2008 – here and here.
Macedonia, Greece: More on the Conflict
Say: Macedonia discusses a Spiegel article on the Greek-Macedonian conflict and writes about a case brought by the Aegean Macedonian refugees before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Hungary: Open Letter to Austria writes an angry letter to Austria, “on behalf of Hungary.”
Bosnia & Herzegovina: EUFOR Helicopter Crashes; Bosnian in Afghanistan Killed
YakimaGulagLiteraryGazett reports on the two Bosnia-related tragic accidents that have occurred recently.
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Srebrenica Lawsuits
East Ethnia writes about the lawsuits filed by families of Srebrenica genocide victims.
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Mass Grave; Court Case
Srebrenica Genocide Blog posts images from a mass grave excavation at Zeleni Jadar. Foreign Policy Association's War Crimes blog writes about a case brought before a Dutch court to “determine...
Russia: Moscow Football Fans
LJ user nl posts two pictures of Moscow fans celebrating Russia's Euro 2008 victory over Sweden – here and here.
Europe: Ideas for Cold War Museum
The Economist's Ceratin Ideas of Europe blog welcomes exhibit ideas for a Cold War museum that may be built “on a site near the old ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ border-crossing point in...
Europe: Football and Politics
Desmond McGrath of A Fistful of Euros writes about football and politics: “Part of the fun of football is the way in which it overturns the international order of power...
The Balkans: Ingeborg Beugel
Say: Macedonia quotes from an interview with Ingeborg Beugel, “a Dutch reporter and author of several documentaries about the crimes committed in Bosnia”: “In an interview for the online site...
Bulgaria, Romania: Labor Migrants
Nicolaus Mills explains at Comment is Free why Britain hasn't seen the much-feared “‘tidal wave’ of immigrants” from Bulgaria and Romania.
Jordan: Attacks which will not happen
Jordanian blogger Hareega asks how come the UK is able to warn of terrorist attacks in the UAE — but not when they happen on its own turf. “Do they...
Blogger of the Week: Solana Larsen
This week's blogger of the week is Solana Larsen, who is celebrating her one-year anniversary as managing editor of Global Voices Online this month. Described as 'cool, calm and collected', read on to see what makes Solana tick!
Malawi: Going back to Malawi
Malawian blogger says “Goodbye Sweden”: “Time came when I came. Time has gone and I should be gone back to Malawi after two years of great stay in Örebro, Sweden....
Russia, Finland: Maria Kirbasova's Case
A Step At A Time and Vera's Log report on the Finnish Immigration Service's decision to deport Maria Kirbasova, a half-paralyzed 67-year-old Russian citizen, who was one of the founders...
Lithuania: Celebrations in the UK
Lithuanian Jotter writes about traditional Lithuanian celebrations in the UK.
Balkans: “National Science”
Say: Macedonia writes about the Macedonian language – and the “national science”: “This national science is exactly what we don't need anymore in the Balkans. Getting rid of our politically-influenced...
Pakistan: On Polio
CHUP! on the issue of polio in Pakistan.
Spain, Kosovo: “What Is There To Be Afraid Of?”
Café Turco notes that “some signs are starting to appear that Madrid may soon recognize Kosova as an Independent state.”
The Balkans: Euro 2008
Balkan Baby writes about the “Balkan interests” in the Euro 2008 championship.