· March, 2007

Stories about Western Europe from March, 2007

South Asia: Brown people in the UK

  21 March 2007

Pickled Politics on brown people and the government in UK. “Although I’ve frequently explained the process and the reasoning behind which the Labour government has engaged with brown people in...

Spain: Atena 3 on YouTube

  12 March 2007

Eduardo Arcos says [ES] Antena 3 is the first television station from Spain to distribute its own content on YouTube.

French Elections and Darfur

  12 March 2007

Le Pangolin posts [Fr] the flyer for a meeting to take place March 20 in Paris where French presidential candidates including Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy will answer the question:...

Francophone Bloggers on Oscars and Césars

  7 March 2007

Hostess Valérie Lemercier performs a Guadeloupean zouk hit from the 80's at the Césars awards. Blogger reactions to the recent film award ceremonies in France and America are quite varied....

UK, Trinidad & Tobago: Half-caste

  6 March 2007

London-based Trinidadian blogger Sinistra posts part three in her “Young and black in Babylondon” series. In this installment, she's asked whether she's “half-caste”.