· August, 2006

Stories about Western Europe from August, 2006

Jamaica: In-house terrorist

  30 August 2006

A Jamaica-born Muslim cleric who has been convicted in the UK for incitement to murder is about to be deported back to his homeland. “As if our gun-toting criminals aren't...

Global Food Blog Report #29

  28 August 2006

#1: Maika's Blog on Haitian Food: "Griot" (pronounced: greee-yo ) a popular Haitian original.  Which is fried pork shoulder accompanied with a spicy hot as habanero cole slaw like condiment...

Caribbean: Exporting Carnival

  25 August 2006

“. . . it's interesting how these festivals have echoed, in a small way, the evolution of their original model in Trinidad, as a vehicle of solidarity, an assertion of...

Jamaica, UK: Linton Kwesi Johnson

  25 August 2006

Geoffrey Philp extends birthday greetings to Britain-based Jamaican dub poet Linton Kwesi Johnson: “He became only the second living poet to be published in the Penguin Classics series. His poetry...

Jamaica, Germany: Marlon James on Grass

  18 August 2006

Jamaican novelist Marlon James offers his two cents’ on German novelist Günter Grass's recent admission that he was once a member of the Waffen SS: “I would think that a...

A Google Earth Canary Islands Conspiracy?

  17 August 2006

In late July Google updated the satellite imagery of the Canary Islands in both Google Earth and Google Maps. The former satellite images from 2005 and 2006 were replaced by...

Global Food Blog Report #28

  15 August 2006

#1: From Tanzania, MiRecipe.com spices up the day with an incredible easy and delicious recipe to prepare "Chatini Ya Ukwaju" (Tamarind Chutney). It is great with bread, and a tasty...

Estonia: Comparison With Finland

  14 August 2006

Bonjour l'Estonie compares Finland to Estonia: “Many Finns expected Estonia to build a Social-Democratic style welfare state, and were surprised and to some degree miffed that Estonia, which they wanted...

Indonesia: Toilet with a View

  9 August 2006

Maya, an Indonesian blogger in France finds an open air toilet on an ancient wall by the Mediterranean sea and wonders if anyone ever uses it.

Food Blog Report #27

  6 August 2006

#1: From Stockholm, Sweden: Clivia's Cuisine and her marvelous Swiss chard dolmadas with rice and mushrooms! A gem of a recipe, and it looks delicious… Last week I visited Rosendals...