Stories about Western Europe from June, 2006
Brazil: Caetano Veloso's Biography
France-based Togolese bloggerKangni Alem writes (Fr): “Even though modesty is not Brazilian singer Caetano Veloso's forte, he has great talent as an agitator. He also exhibits phenomenal memory in the...
Appreciating Caribbean writing
A New York Times article about a new anthology of Jamaican writing published by a US press gets Geoffrey Philp thinking about why North Americans may not be as open...
DRC: France-Based UDPS Member Released
UDPS Liege announces (Fr) that “French authorities have come to their senses and freed (…) Yves Muko who was arrested Saturday 6/17/06 at Roissy Charles de Gaulle [airport] by the...
Spain: Music: CC Licensed Compilation
Eduardo Arcos and Fernando Casale both comment on the release of a Creative Commons-licensed compilation by the Spanish newspaper El País. The album is freely available for download.
Blogs& Beers with José Luis Orihuela
José Luis Orihuela (ES) is visiting Chile invited by International Communication Conference and Workshop (ES) . Taking this unique opportunity, different blogers invite José Luis to talk with Chilean blogers...
Global Food Blog Report #22
#1: Klephblog, no doubt over-caffeinated, writes "How Coffee changed the Modern World," a great essay about this fruit of the Gods: This wondrous plant is a native of the new...
Lusosphere blogs report the latest political twists in East Timor
Since the last report from the lusophone blogosphere, the crisis in East Timor has evolved with the country now divided between the President Xanana Gusmão and the Prime Minister Mari...
DRC: Kudos to Le Monde
Le Blog du Congolais points to a recent article by Le Monde on mining in the Katanga and says (Fr): “At last, Le Monde has decided to break from the...
Poland: “Sex Slaves” Rumor
The beatroot writes that despite the worries of “Polish nuns, green feminists and George W. Bush,” there are no 100,000 East European “sex slaves” servicing the World Cup fans in...
Russia: Butovo Land Dispute
The recent land dispute between Moscow city authorities and residents of Butovo, a suburb just outside the capital's beltway (MKAD), included such dramatic elements as a tent camp, bulldozers and...
Sri Lanka, UK: Culture and Bridges
London, Lanka and Drums on the Sri Lankan festivities in London. “Trafalgar Square was buzzing when we arrived at about midday. The band was starting to soundcheck, the usual stuff...
France, Various Africa, Middle East: France goes easy on mercenary
“The French again have demonstrated that crimes committed abroad in developing nations shouldn't necessarily be punished,” writes an outraged Fontaine, who reports that a French mercenary, who has also been...
Belarus: Two Activists Awarded in Sweden
Vilhelm Konnander reports on two Belarusian human rights activists who have been awarded Swedish prizes for their work.
Immigration Checks in French Hospitals
Senegalese blogger Semett posts (Fr) a Medecins du Monde petition protesting the new French policy of conducting immigration checks in hospitals. Excerpt from the petition (Fr): “The right to care...
Martinique: Joseph Zobel, Author of Sugar Cane Alley, Dies
Le Blog de [Moi] announces (Fr): “Martiniquan writer Joseph Zobel, author of the novel Rue Cases-Negres [a.k.a Sugar Cane Alley or Black Shack Alley in English] (brought to the big...
World Cup Cultural Treasures from the Lusosphere
All three Lusophone countries, Angola, Brazil and Portugal, are still in the contest for the World Cup. As anyone could guess, there is little chance of finding any relevant blogging...
South Korea: France VS Korea in World Cup
Even though the France VS South Korea Match is considered a boring one, there are still 60 plus comments in dissidentdave's match description post in the Marmot's hole. One of...
Haiti: Telecom Wars
Digicel billboard, Martinique. By blogger Greg at Jamaica-based Caribbean telecom giant Digicel has a presence in over a dozen countries in the region. Digicel officially launched operations on the...
New Caledonia, Francophones and Cricket
Over at 5 Minutes en Nouvelle Caledonie, Sebastien who lives in New Caledonia but is originally from continental France writes (Fr) a post that shows how little cricket resonates with...
Fed Up with Soccer Office Talk
Oliviermr2 writes (Fr): “Thank God for the weekend! I can finally take a break from all my “soccer specialist” co-workers who feel obligated to comment in detail on all of...
Indonesia: World Cup Fever & Minister Blog
Despite Indonesia never reaches final round of Football/Soccer World Cup post-1945 of its independence, soccer has always been the most favorite sports ever in the country. So, no wonder then...