Stories about Zimbabwe from April, 2008
Zimbabwe: Pay Day Facts
Pay day in Zimbabwe: “Today is pay day. I received a gross wage of just under $860 million. I also received benefits being $400 million dollars as a transport allowance...
Zimbabwe: Election humour on YouTube
Ethan writes “Dark humor about Zimbabwe”: “You might have missed it, because I buried it at the bottom of the last (long) post. What follows below is a very funny...
Zimbabwe: 16 flavours of mutilation
Bev Clark's 16 flavours of mutilation in Zimbabwe: “So if independent monitors and Mugabe’s allies agree that neither candidate got over 50% then announce the results already! On the up-side...
Zimbabwe: “Free Zim” graffiti in South Africa
Graffiti for Zimbabwe in South Africa: “This was sent to us today. The picture was taken this morning, in Cape Town, South Africa.”
Zimbabwe: Will Malawi clear Zimbabwe's arms?
Will Malawi clear Zimbabwe's arms?: “The Nyasa Times has this report today and it seems a lot more plausible to me than yesterday’s Hollywood-style information regarding Venezula…”
Zimbabwe: Government of National Unity?
Zimbabweans speaking about Government of National Unity: “We’ve received a flood of replies, particularly via SMS, with voices against a government of national unity out numbering those in favour of...
Zimbabwe: Truth and Justice Coalition
There is Truth and Justice Coalition in Zimbabwe: “The Institute for a Democratic Alternative for Zimbabwe (IDAZIM) has initiated, with full support from civil society, labour and legal organizations, the...
Zimbabwe: Post-election violence on the rise
The election crisis in Zimbabwe continues: there are reports from the mainstream media, bloggers and human rights organisations about state organised post-election violence against supporters of the opposition, the opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, has left the country for Botswana fearing for his life and the “ship of evil” continues to draw bloggers' attention.
Barbados, Jamaica: Up In Arms
“Twenty-eight years after Bob performed ‘Zimbabwe’, Robert Mugabe is still holding on desperately to power and it seems that he will use any tactic necessary to continue his dictatorship. Now...
Zimbabwe: Politics of change or change of politics?
Zimpundit blogs for Pajama Media discussing the political situation in Zimbabwe: “While journalists, bloggers, and activists chronicled the dilemma of a nation that voted for the politics of change, the...
Zimbabwe: The Inconvenient Truth
The Inconvenient Truth is a report by The Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) about elections in Zimbabwe: “The 15 page report is titled ‘The Inconvenient Truth: A complete...
China: Netizens defend Zimbabwe arms sales
As China's latest shipment of weapons and ammunition sits stranded off the coast of southeastern Africa and president Mugabe of landlocked Zimbabwe digs in against accusations of a fixed election, the majority of Chinese netizens are defending their government's arms sales to the country, at the same time accusing the US and its allies of double standards.
Zimbabwe: Who wants to be the president of this country?
Township Vibes wonders who would want to become the president of Zimbabwe: “Today the Zimbabwean dollar is trading at $200 million to £1. Yes that's true, 200 million dollars for...
Malawian Bloggers Discuss The Zimbabwe Crisis
As bloggers from across Africa write about the elections crisis in Zimbabwe, Malawian bloggers join in the condemnation of the delay in releasing the election results, with at least one blogger pointing to the one-sided nature of the discussions on the causes of Zimbabwe’s economic and political problems.
South Africa: The Praise and Fall of Thabo Mbeki
South African President, Thabo Mbeki, is keeping bloggers increasingly active with his recent position on the situation in Zimbabwe, and bloggers are taking him to task. Here's a run-down of blogposts around the issue.
Zimbabwe: Chinese troops Mutare?
Curly wonders what the Chinese troops are doing in Zimbabwe: “These blue suited marathon running highly trained policemen probably know the identities of the Chinese troops who have been reported...
Zimbabwe: The endless game
Ethan discusses “the endeless game” in Zimbabwe: “It’ not very often that I find myself siding with Condoleeaza Rice. But she’s right – it’s embarrasing that the African continent’s leaders...
Zimbabwe: Take Action Against Chinese Ship Carrying Arms
Call to action to stop a Chinese ship carrying arms destined for Zimbabwe: “Please can all those amazing people who have been following this issue – finding contact email addresses...
Zimbabwe: Play your liberation songs at high volume
Zimbabwe Independence Day Message: “Actions: Create your own ways of taking back Independence Day. * Switch off ZBC/TV. * Don’t buy state controlled newspapers. * Play your own liberation songs...
South Africa: Mbeki, No Crisis in Zimbabwe?
South African Bloggers are up in arms regarding the recent events in Zimbabwe as well as President Thabo Mbeki's statement recently that “There is no crisis in Zimbabwe”. This is a round-up of a few rants on the Zimbabwe situation and its affect on South Africans.
Trinidad & Tobago, USA, Africa, Italy: Religion & Politics
Notes from Port of Spain weighs in on everything from the Pope's visit to the US: “It's not enough for the Pope to be ‘ashamed’ of his American paedophile priests…he...