Stories about Uganda from March, 2008
Environment: Elephant Culling and Crisis in The Mara
In this issue of Global Voices environment, we check in with various blogs around the world. The themes are varied, and some are of global concern with commentary from Kenya...
Africa: Vloggers, Bloggers and Movies
A few glimpses of Africa through citizen media videos. From BoB winners, to storytellers, documentaries on artists, Nigeria´s Nollywood movie industry and more.
Uganda: Religion and homosexuality
Gay Ugandan and religion: “The issue is my sexuality. Homosexuality. The Church of Uganda believes that my sexuality is unnatural. And that it is a sin. They believe that it...
Uganda: Uganda's Calling
Uganda's Calling blog: “Uganda Calling is a non-profit organization that is helping to end the 20-year long war in Northern Uganda through the means of connecting with outreach programs in...
Uganda: Things I wished I knew…
Things Rebekah wished she knew when she lived in Kampala: “This is something I would have appreciated when I dropped 80,000/= at Aristoc on a novel that took me 12...