Stories about Uganda from December, 2007
Uganda: Is Uganda mentally, intellectually and creatively broke?
An interview with a Kampala City Council official has blogger Tumwijuke wondering if Uganda is “mentally, intellectually and creatively broke.”
Africa: Dealing with AIDS in Africa
Black Looks discusses the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa: “But I was quickly disappointed by the article, even if it spoke some truths that I would agree with. Shunning promiscuity...
Uganda: When a mobile phone is not just a mobile phone
Kenny posts a photo from Uganda showing that a mobile phone is not just a mobile phone: “Taken in Uganda last week, a great example of adaptive product development. In...
Africa: What is an African genocide?
Dennis Matanda writes about Africa asking: “What is the standard of African genocide? At what stage do we say is enough is enough? Is it when 1,000,000 people or 250,000...
Chogm Appraisal: The Round-Up from Ugandan Blogosphere
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (Chogm) took place recently in Kampala. Here is the round-up of interesting conversations and reactions in the Ugandan blogosphere about the meeting.