Stories about Uganda from July, 2007
Uganda Responds – and Doesn't – To “Stop Trying To Save Africa”
“Maybe I just go where the weather is better,” says Josh of In An African Minute. He’s referring to why he chooses to work in Africa rather than where his family is from in Eastern Europe, but also to the current ruckus that’s been unleashed by the essay "Stop Trying to Save Africa,” in the Washington Post by Uzodinma Iweala. The American raised and Harvard educated Nigerian novelist wrote a compelling essay, one which the Expats in the Ugandan blogosphere have almost all felt necessary to formulate a response to.
Africa: Do I look as if I am trying to save Africa?
Pernille, a Danish capacity building facilitator in Uganda asks, “Do I look as if I am trying to save Africa?“: I have followed the debate pushed by the Nigerian writer...
Ugandan bloggers all play, no peace talks
At last month’s Uganda Bloggers Happy Hour, I took an informal poll of why the blogren do what they do. My favorite response came from Carlo, who said that blogging is “just like Facebook,” the social networking site that’s currently sweeping the young, internet-connected world.
Uganda: wireless internet in Kampala
A list of places with wireless Internet in Kampala: * Just Kickin’ in Kisementi (free for two hours) * Mateo's on Parliament Avenue (rumored to exist; rumored to be free)...
Uganda: reconciliation is key to building regional peace
Rebekah Heacock writes about peace in Northern Uganda: “I agree with much of what Jackfruity wrote, as well as 27th Comrade's ideas that reconciliation is likely a more effective way...
Uganda: Human ATMs
Emeka writes about an interesting financial transaction model in Uganda, which uses human beings as ATMs: “These ‘human ATMs’ are in fact shopkeepers or other small-business owners who are employed...
Africa: mobile phones are Africa's PC
White African sees mobile phones as the primary tool for web access in Africa: “Ever since I first heard someone mention that mobile phones were “Africa’s PC” I was hooked....