Stories about Sudan from March, 2007
Sudan: is it genocide or civil war?
Andile Mngxitama responds to Mahmood Mamdani‘s article about the conflict in Darfur: “If we cut through all the historical and sociological verbiage proffered by Mamdani, we can more clearly see...
Sudan: soldier of Africa is going home
After spending a year in Darfur as a UN/AU military observer, Soldier of Africa is going home. Well, after they get paid: “We have done our part, spent a year...
Africa: China's Africa interest not neo-colonial
China does not seek economic and political control of Africa: “IT’S ironic that some Western countries which are former colonial powers have accused China of pushing a “neo-colonialism” policy in...
Sudan: ICC on War Crimes in Darfur, USS Cole, Funky Hairstyle & More
There has been quite a lot of action in the Sudanese blogosphere during the past 3 weeks. We'll start with the International Criminal Court‘s announcement which named 2 suspects accused...
French Elections and Darfur
Le Pangolin posts [Fr] the flyer for a meeting to take place March 20 in Paris where French presidential candidates including Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy will answer the question:...
Africa: China vs US
The Varsjinskij Prophecies sees a possible collision between China and the United States in Africa, “The fact that Hu’s visit and the announcement of AFRICOM coincided was most likely a...
Sudan: new Sudanese blogger
Precious World writes about a new Sudanese blogger, Dr. Shaza Balla: Dr. Shaza Balla is a regular writer in both “Sudanese Online” and “” and now, she is a writer...
Uganda: The Last King of Scotland, Cessation of Hostilities Agreement Expires, and It is a Sin to Buy a Yellow Humvee
On Sunday Evening at the Kodak Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, an emotionally shaken Forrest Whitaker accepted an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in The...