Stories about Sudan from December, 2006
Africa: China-Africa trade
Africa-China relationship is increasingly becoming an important subject to bloggers in the African blogosphere as seen in the latest post on the subject by Grandiose Parlor:“More on China-Africa trade.”
Sudan: should South Sudan separate?
Black Cush writes about the case for South Sudan to form a separate state, “South Sudan has the most untapped resource, in both human and natural. The vast oil reserves...
A First Round-Up of the Sudanese Blogosphere
Today in the Sudanese blogosphere, we notice a variety of opinions on different topics. Black Kush from South Sudan has 2 posts entitled “How Egypt is woeing South Sudan” where...
Sudan: Janjaweed identity
An aid worker in Sudan blogs about Janjaweed identity in Darfur.
Sudan: save Darfur
Soldier of Africa, who blogs from Darfur, posts a video made by American school kids, Save Darfur.
Sudan: UN peacekeeper in Darfur
A South African peacekeeper and blogger in Darfur responds to questions from Sudan Watch : Question: How can you tell who is a bandit and who is a janjaweed? Answer:...