· September, 2006

Stories about Sudan from September, 2006

Africa: renewable technologies

  28 September 2006

Africa Unchained writes, “Karekezi, S…surveys (PDF) the dissemination of renewable technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa…and attempts to evaluate the potential for these technologies to meet the energy needs of Africa’s poor…“

Sudan: divestment campaign

  26 September 2006

AfricaBeat on a divestment campaign in Sudan: I love how the entire Bush administration is mobilizing to “Save Darfur” even as it has worked to bury proposed legislation that is...

Africa: Moving on from the digital indaba

  25 September 2006

Meskel Square on “Moving on from the Digital Indaba“: “Overall it was a huge success. One way of judging that is to look at all the discussions that are still...

Sudan: Africa's rap star

  23 September 2006

Escaping Sudan is Ben Loxo's post about Emmanuel Jal, “Emmanuel Jal has risen from obscurity to become one of Africa’s most well-known rappers.”

Sudan: no solution for Darfur

  22 September 2006

EthnicLoft is pessimistic about the situation in Darfur, “There is profound displeasure over the crisis; claims by some that the West hasn’t done enough; some have labeled the crisis an...

Sudan: death and funeral announcement

  18 September 2006

Death and funeral announcement is a poem written in support of the Global Day for Darfur: Here lies eighty thousand souls names and identities- unknown passions and pains- unknown feelings...

Sudan: Security Catch-22

  4 September 2006

In light of the UN Security council’s approval of a peacekeeping force in Darfur, observing increasing insecurity and fearing that the greater region is in danger of a destabilization of...