Stories about South Africa from October, 2011
Open Access Africa: Spreading Knowledge, Increasing Collaboration
We celebrate Open Access Week with a special focus on Open Access Africa. As the internet lowers the bar for publishing and disseminating information, print-era publishing models still keep African researchers and students separated from colleagues in different countries and their ideas. How has Open Access changed scholarship in Africa?
China and Brazil: On anacondas and dragons
Johan Lagerkvist from ChinaRoader looks into the dynamic between the authoritarian China and democratic Brazil in the future international politics.
South Africa: Motorcyclist in Amageza Rally Rescues Calf
The video captured on a helmet cam by South African Johan Gray is making him famous. While doing one of the qualifying rounds for the Amageza 2012 motorcycle endurance race...
South Africa: 4 Convicted for the Murder of Zoliswa Nkonyana
The case of the murder of South African lesbian has come to an end: “Finally after five years of postponements 4 men were convicted of the murder of Zoliswa Nkonyana....
Africa: R.I.P Steve Jobs, You Will be Missed
The co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011. African bloggers have taken time to pay tribute and remember his contribution to the world of technology.