Stories about South Africa from March, 2009
South Africa: China Shouts, South Africa Jumps
China has told the South African government to deny the Dalai Lama a visa. South Africa complies. I wonder if Zuma is going to carry on in this weak-willed manner?...
South Africa: Uproar over visa refusal for Dalai Lama
The South African government has denied the Dalai Lama a visa to attend a Peace Conference that will be held in South Africa. The government decision has sparked an uproar online on Twitter, Facebook and blogs.
South Africa: Glad to be a Girl is Best African Weblog
The 2009 Bloggies has declared Glad to be a Girl the Best African Weblog. Glad to be a Girl is a blog by a Johannesburg-based blogger who goes by the...
South Africa: Glad to be a girl is Best African Weblog
South African blog, Glad to be a girl is the winner of the Best African Weblog award at the Ninth Annual Weblog Awards.
South Africa: Backstage Photos from Design Indaba
Ladybrille posts backstage photos from the Design Indaba in South Africa. It is one of South Africa's largest trade event in the design industry.
Africa: Winners of the First African Blog Award for Journalists Are…
The winners of Waxal - Blogging Africa Awards (BAA) have been announced. Waxal is an initiative of Panos Institute of West Africa (PIWA) with the partnership of Highway Africa and Global Voices Online (Sub-Saharan Africa). Waxal (pronounced WA-HAL), which means “speak” in Wolof, captures the essence of the evolution of the worlwide web as a platform for conversation and for raising marginalized voices.