Stories about South Africa from February, 2008
South Africa: Racist Black Journalists?
"The media was instrumental is getting this country to where it is today. There were white journalists who risked their lives and even paid the ultimate price to give this country its democracy. What were these black journalists discussing, closeted together with Zuma, that they didn’t want white journalists to hear???," writes ONC Today following the decision by the Forum of Black Journalists (FBJ) to exclude White journalists from covering an off-the-record briefing by Jacob Zuma.
Environment: Dirty cities
Carbon Copy shares some facts about dirty cities… “In South Africa, Johannesburg has vehicle emissions, dust from mine dumps and untarred roads, and excessive burning of coal especially in informal...
Nigeria: Public Nudity Bill
Jeremy posts copies of the Bill for an Act to Prohibit and Punish Public Nudity, Sexual Intimidation and Other related offences in Nigeria.
South Africa: Garlic, showers and prostitutes
Lesbian Rules writes about odd suggestions to problems in South Africa: “So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. To be cured from aids, eat garlic and beetroot. If you...
South Africa: Is this anti-democracy?
Was it right to bar white South African journalist from the forum of black journalists: “This forum of black journalists is so anti democracy and transparency. I listened to all...
South Africa: Where are black bloggers hiding?
Inside Candy wonders where South African black bloggers are: “I realise that this is a potentially loaded question, but where the hell are all the black bloggers hiding? To date,...
The groundswell of opposition to AFRICOM from African bloggers
At the tail-end of U.S. President George Bush’s six-day, five-country farewell tour of Africa came the announcement the Pentagon’s plans for a second U.S. military base on the continent of Africa is dead. Questions from the blogshpere flew: What exactly are U.S. interests in Africa?
South Africa: Showcasing lesser known bloggers
Mike decides to showcase South African lesser known bloggers: “So I want to flip the lid on this one. It would be great to showcase some of the lesser known...
South Africa: Digital trends 2008
Deshanta is interviewed about digital trends 2008 in South Africa: “I was interviewed by Mandla Shongwe on his show, Jozi Live on SA fm a few weeks back. The interview...
South Africa: Web startups to watch
Charl's list of South Africa's web startup to watch: “I’ve tried to diversify the list with startups doing things in different markets, and while this is a list of the...
South Africa: Did Afrikaans journalists help end apartheid?
Anton Harber discusses the role of the Afrikaans press during the struggle against apartheid in South Africa: “I was asked to comment on Afrikaans journalists’ role in the downfall of...
South Africa: Campaign to end hate
Sokari blogs about the campaign to end hate in South Africa: “The 07-07-07-Campaign to end hate against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Intersexed (LGBTI) persons was launched at the Saartjie...
South Africa: Twaction 2.0
Tyler writes about a site he launched last year in South Africa, Twaction: “In December I launched a site called Twaction. In short, it’s a site that turns tweets from...
South Africa: Blogging memories in graphs
Vincent uses graphs to tell the 2007 South African blogging memories: “This post is based on 6-month data from Amatomu, showing blog audience reach as a percentage. Some of them...
South Africa: Voting for blog awards begins next week
Nominations and voting for the 2008 South African Blog Awards begins next week: “The 2008 South African Blog Awards is scheduled for its annual process of nominations and voting this...
South Africa: TED Africa Conference 2008
Juliana writes about the 2008 TED Africa conference in South Africa: “The TED Africa conference in Capetown South Africa, promises to build on the magic of TED Global 2007. The...
South Africa: How companies can save energy
This is how a South African company is saving energy: “Then they have turned the geysers in the building to a more reasonable heat. The Escalators (four stories worth) are...
South Africa: Experiencing Durban
American doctoral student, Martha Webber, blogs about her experience in South Africa: “Bypassing the braai (the very popular Afrikaans barbecue), I finally got to try some of the Indian food...