Stories about Senegal from July, 2010
Francophonie: Like Fine Wine, Twitter Experience Gets Better With Age
An unexpected but deliciously nostalgic hash tag #jesuisvieux (I am old) has been trending in French social media. The timeline for the hashtag is filled with often humorous updates, and provides a snapshot of the evolution of information technology use.
Senegal: Protests Against Frequent Power Outages
Public demonstrations were organized last week in Senegal to protest against load shedding by Senelec (the national electricity company). Rignese who works for has posted the following videos: the...
African Soldiers on the Champs Elysees on Bastille Day
France's invitation to the armed forces of former colonies to join the parade on the Champs Elysees on July 14 is a subject of great controversy among African bloggers. Many wonder what is the point of having former colonies there and why are many north African nations not invited.
Diaspora and Development in the Francophone World
The diaspora of the developing countries worldwide is often mentioned as a potential driving factor for poverty reduction and the francophone region is no exception. Still, the suggested policies involving the diaspora are not without challenges and require more avenues for discussion between all development actors